The Loss of Sexual Innocence - DVDRIP - DVD-R
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|                                                                              | 
)                       Title         > The Loss Of Sexual Innocence           ( 
(                                                                              ( 
)                      Genre          > Drama                                  ( 
)                     Movie Year      > 1999                                   ( 
)                    Runtime          > 105 minutes                            ( 
(                                                                              ) 
)                   DivX Rls          > 26.07.2002                             ( 
)                    DVD Rls          > 07.12.1999                             ( 
(                                                                              ) 
)                     Audio           > 131 kbit VBR Mp3                       ( 
)                    Video            > 773 kbps SBC                           ( 
)                  Framesize          > 576 x 320                              ( 
(                                                                              ) 
)                  Size               > 698 Mb                                 ( 
)                   Rar files         > 50 x 15 Mb                             ( 
(                                                                              ) 
)                      Ripper         > space_ace                              ( 
|                                                                              | 
|               Imdb info:                   | 
|             User Rating:  5.0/10 (527 votes)                                 | 
|                                 Plot & Cast                                  | 
|                                 -----------                                  | 
| This is a true "art" film, it has great depth and insight, but doesn't give  | 
| the viewer a clear story-line to follow or any help at all such as side      | 
| comments or scene setters. The film is a virtual feast of expert filmmaking  | 
| in all its facets, especially the fine framing of the scenes, truly natural  | 
| acting and sound work second to none. How many filmmakers could make a short | 
| scene in a plane and the subsequent landing on the runway a filmic event of  | 
| such beauty it will be long remembered.                                      | 
|                                                                              | 
|              Julian Sands...                      ...Adult Nic               | 
|              Saffron Burrows...        ...English/Italian Twin               | 
|              Stefano Dionisi...                        ...Luca               | 
|              Kelly Macdonald...                       ...Susan               | 
|              Gina McKee...                   ...Susan's Mother               | 
|              Jonathan Rhys-Meyers...           ...Nic, aged 16               | 
|              Bernard Hill...                 ...Susan's father               | 
|              Rossy de Palma...                  ...Blind Woman               | 
|              John Cowey...                      ...Nic, aged 5               | 
|                                                                              | 
|                Directed by...                 ...Mike Figgis                 | 
|                Writing credits...             ...Mike Figgis                 | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                 Group Info                                   | 
|                                 ----------                                   | 
|                           Don't fear the reaper                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                     *** We don't do Pre-release DVDs ***                     | 
|                     ********* We don't do dubs *********                     | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|  Looking for: - 100mbit / 100GB affil sites                                  | 
|               - DVD suppliers (preferably alternative/asian movies)          | 
|               - Experienced rippers                                          | 
|               - Shells and vhosts                                            |
|                                                                              |
|   Contact us: - [email protected]                                         | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                  Thanks to                                   | 
|                                  ---------                                   | 
|                  AVCDVault - MDX - AEN - PostX - SChiZO                      | 
|   All the other groups in the DivX-scene bringing quality, Keep'm coming!    | 
|                                                                              | 
############################################################# By CNileK911 ##"