De-Lovely *LiMiTED* *PROPER* *XviD* - DVD SCR - SG18
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|       "888888888 DeLovely.PROPER.LiMiTED.DVDSCREENER.XvID-SG18       |
|          ~~~~~~                                                     |
|                        |
|                                                                     |
| We would like to send out huge greets to the ViaCom group for being |
| quite possibly the worst rippers in the scene. It seems that Demize |
| your DVDR group is the only group that doesn't fuck up. But hey how |
| hard is it to image a DVD5? We'd like to give a special mention to  |
| AoH (divx part of viacom) for being the WORST divx rippers ever.    |
|                                                                     |
| Proper Reason : bad/no ivtc *cough* omg two in a row *cough*        |
| and of course bad res.. 360? wtf is that lol                        | 
|                                                                     | 
| On the release front, we've used 2CD with maximum quality possible. |
| it comes out a little undersized on each CD but thats normal since  |
| as DVDSCREENERS only have 2 channel AC3                             |
|   contact info: [email protected]  Date 9/26/04                 |
|   Supplier: EMU Ripper: Mi Amigo Company: Universal                 |
|                                                                     |
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