Conceiving Ada - DVDRIP - QmR
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....... _......_ .JΕΕΕΕΕΕΕΕΕ_ ΕΕΕΕΕΕΕΕΕΕΕΕ._ .ΕΕF` `"ΕΕΕL `ΕΕΕF" "4ΕΕΕ. (ΕΕ` 4ΕΕL 4ΕΕ` (ΕΕ) (ΕΕ) 4ΕΕ) . ... ... (ΕΕ .ΕΕ) ΕΕΕ ΕΕΕ .__Ε) JΕΕΕΕ. JΕΕΕL. (ΕΕ JΕΕ` ΕΕ) ΕΕΕ ΕΕΕΕLΕΕ"ΕΕΕΕLΕΕ"ΕΕΕΕ. (ΕΕ __ΕΕF` ΕΕL (ΕΕ ΕΕΕ (ΕΕΕ (ΕΕ) (ΕΕ ΕΕΕΕ" ΕΕΕ JΕΕ ΕΕ) `ΕΕ) `ΕΕ) (ΕΕ 4ΕΕL ΕΕΕ) ΕΕF ΕΕ) ΕΕ) ΕΕ) (ΕΕ 4ΕΕΕ (ΕΕΕ (ΕΕ ΕΕ) ΕΕ) ΕΕ) (ΕΕ (ΕΕΕ. 4ΕΕΕ. (ΕΕ` ΕΕ) .ΕΕ) ΕΕ) JΕΕ. `ΕΕΕ. `ΕΕΕL. .ΕΕF (ΕΕΕ_ (ΕΕL_ ΕΕΕ. .ΕΕΕL `ΕΕΕL. "ΕΕΕΕΕΕΕΕΕ" ΕΕΕΕΕΕ) ΕΕΕΕΕΕ) ΕΕΕΕ) ΕΕΕΕΕΕΕ) `ΕΕΕΕΕΕΕ .ΕΕΕΕΕL_. (ΕF4ΕΕΕΕΕΕΕΕΕΕ `"ΕΕΕFΕΕ ΕΕΕ (ΕΕΕΕΕΕΕ(ΕΕΕΕΕΕL_. .JΕΕ)ΕΕΕ `"ΕΕΕΕΕΕΕΕΕΕΕΕΕ` ΫΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ² -=QmR=- ²ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΫ Quality Movie Releases ²ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ² Presents ±ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ± ) Conceiving Ada directed by Lynn Hershman-Leeson ) °ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ° )( ΪΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΏ )( . )( ) Group: QmR )( ) Genre: Drama/Sci-Fi )( ) Format: SVCD )( ) IMDB: 4.8/10 )( ) Video: 5PassVBR 2520max )( ) Released/Aired: 1997 )( ) Audio: 44100 224k )( ) SVCD/VCD Release: 07/27/02 )( ) Resolution: 480x480 )( ) Release Size: 2CD's )( ) Length: 1hr24min. )( ) CD1: 57/15 )( ) Framerate: 29.97fps )( ) CD2: 46/15 )( ) ._LJ_L_____________________________________. .___LJ_L___________________________________ )( ) """"""F4"F""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" )( )±ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΫ `( ) Release notes ( )ΫΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ± ) `) Emmy Coer, a computer genius, devises a method of ` communicating with the past by tapping into undying ) information waves. She manages to reach the world of ` Ada Lovelace, founder of the idea of a computer language ) and proponent of the possibilities of the "difference engine." ` Ada's ideas were stifled and unfulfilled because of the reality ) of life as a woman in the nineteenth century. Emmy has a plan to ` defeat death and the past using her own DNA as a communicative ) agent to the past, bringing Ada to the present. But what are the ` possible ramifications? ). )2' #(, ._)U2'_ .____)"#A`.__. ΫΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ° °ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΫ ²ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΫ We're looking for: ΫΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ² - 100mbit+ site affils - 10mbit dumps w/ 50+gig - DVD Rippers/Suppliers - Hardware Suppliers - 2mbit+ EU/SU shells E-mail us at: [email protected] ΫΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ° QmR Greets: All The Good Movie and TV Groups. °ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΫ J(. ` 4) ( ε) (L_ ()`ε _JQ 4εHH_ MM 4 .()" ε) ε. "QL. MM) ) `_Q εF `H 4L." (Q(L .HMε`H` ` εMε_ HQ(M JεHMF.F 4MεHL (_ (QQ.M) .) .Jε#Mε` 4εQHεL/HL ) J0H)M) JH".HεUUMF (MAHQMH/HL () #0ε)(M ).JH"_εQAU/ε) `εQQLQMεJεε (QAε)(M.εε`JHADH"Jε` . 4εAεL4εεL ε0#M) M).JHDQεF.εF _H` 4.4MQAε_`HMHDεM) (εHDDεF`.H`JεF 4L`εεDHε.`ε#MM) JUUεε` JF.εH` .__J) 4εDQML/εMM)J#εε` εF(εL___ _ ___HHHHHQHε tone ._JHHHHH____ ._JUF"L___HHHHHHHHH""" _.`"HεMMMMMMQUAA000AAQHHHMMHHHH____`"QUQH___ (MM_. ""HHHMMMHUUQQQUHQHQQAHHHH./ 2002 """""""""""""UUUUMMHHHF"" _HMε) `"HHHHUL_ `""""4HHHεMMMHHHHHF4HMεMFεMMεHH___HHHHQHHF""` UQF"` .εε .HMMF(MM 4εMUUMF"L___JHHQQHF"` JMF JMεQε (MM) 4MHDεL(H"" Jε`JMQD0ε` (MDM. `HMQεL`H .εF_εε0AHM) (MUQ4ε_ `HU#ε. Jε/εQAQεH"`) (MDQ _"εH. 4QQM) .εQJQAQMF/JL ) MεDM MεL`4HL.4UεL JεQHUHεF.HH`M ) Mε0M M)4ML."HHJ##ε. .) .εHQQεH` JF` ) L Mε0M M 4εH.`4εQ#ML .F JMMMεF` ) M MQ0M M `"U 4εMMε. . .ε JMεF` ) M MH0) M "HMM) 4L .M`JF` M MU0) M) 4εL 4L ε) _( M MQQ) M) LJ 4L (εH" 4 MQQ) M) "4HHM ( M0Q) M) `" ( MUQ) ε` ( M0Q ( () ε0Q () M0Q () H0ε () #0M ) Q0M ) Q0F ) Q0) ) Q0) M Q0) M QD) M QQ) M QQ) ( QQ ( QQ ( QQ ( QQ ()Q# ()QM ()Q) ()Q) )Q) )Q) )#) )M) LM MM MM εM (M (M (F `) ) `) )