Dinotopia - DVDRIP - XPD
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                          [ X.P.E.D.i.A.N.T ]
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     Û°²±²    TiTLE: Dinotopia                                ß
      ßÜ°±                                                   Û       ±°Üß
       °ß²    RELEASEiNFO:                                           ²ß°
       ²±°ßÜ  ùùùùùùùùùùùù                                         Üß°±²
       Û²±°²  RELEASEDATE[ 07-27-02                                ²°±²Û
       Û²±ß   TYPE.......[ SVCD                                     ß±²Û
       Û²±    SOURCE.....[ DVD                                       ±²Û
      ²Û²°    STANDARD...[ NTSC                                      °²Û²
     Û°²±°    ViD.BiTRATE[ 4pass 1650 AVG (CCE)                      °±²°Û
      ßÜ°°    RESOLUTiON.[ 480x480                                   °°Üß
       ±ß²    AUD.BiTRATE[ 160                                       ²ß±
       ²±°ßÜ  SiZE.......[ 4CDs 53/53/53/53 (80min)                Üß°±²
       Û²±°²                                                       ²°±²Û
       Û²±ß   MOViE iNFO.:                                          ß±²Û
       Û²±    ùùùùùùùùùùùù                                           ±²Û
     ܲ۲°    iMDB URL...[ http://us.imdb.com/Title?0233044          °²Û²Ü
     Û°²±°    THEATERDATE[ 05-12-02                                  °±²°Û
      ßÜ°°    DVD DATE...[ 07-30-02                                  °°Üß
       °ß²    GENRE......[ Adventure / Family / Fantasy / Sci-Fi     ²ß°
       ²±°ßÜ  RATiNG.....[ NR                                      Üß°±²
       Û²±°²  SHOWiNG....[ 0 Screens                               ²°±²Û
       Û²±ß   SUBBED.....[ No                                       ß±²Û
       Û²±    DUBBED.....[ No                                        ±²Û
      ²Û²°    iMDB.RATiNG[ 5.4/10                                    °²Û²
     Û°²±°    RUNTiME....[ 4 Hours                                   °±²°Û
      ßßßÛÜÜÜ                                                     ÜÜÜÛßßß
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     ±Ûß                                                               ßÛ±
		Dinotopia got under way when a pair of teenaged 
		half brothers, Karl and David Scott, took over the 
		controls of their father Frank's (Stuart Wilson) 
		private plane. Not surprisingly, the boys crashed 
		the plane into the ocean, whereupon they were washed 
		on the shore of an unchartered continent. While 
		searching for their missing dad, Karl and David 
		wandered into Waterfall City, the capitol of Dinotopia, 
		a hidden civilization where human beings and dinosaurs 
		peacefully coexisted.

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     ±Ûß                                                               ßÛ±
		This release fits under our rare 4 cd rule, we
		reduced the bitrate atad to squeeze it to fit
		4 cds. Worse enough u need sysop permission for a
		4 cd release, a 5 cd release would be useless and
		a waste of time, and we felt no one would download
		5 cds.
		Since it took us 3 days to do this SVCD, the DivX
		won't be done by us. Just way too much time for
		one movie.
		Dinotopia was a ABC miniseries Co-produced by Disney 
		Television and Hallmark Entertainment and was aired
		on May 12, 2002. Then released on a 2 DVD set. 
		Hint: Makes a great 4 hour babysitter. Enjoy.
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     ±Ûß                                                               ßÛ±
                               XPD SVCD RULES
	 1. No CBR crap, min 2 pass TMPGEnc or 4 pass CCE. CBR=Crapped 
	    Beyond Repair. FILM 23.976 (2 Pass TMPGEnc 1.2) and NTSC  
	    29.970 (4 Pass CCE 2.5) for best pic. Exceptions may apply
            to fast action movies. Bitrate AVG will not preceed 1700k.
	 2. IMDB ratings don't mean anything, One man's garbage is 
	    another man's gold.
	 3. Commentary is added if possible/available
	 4. 125 min WS 2 cds, 120 min FS 2 cds. Over those times will 
	    be 3 cds. Over 180 4 CDs (rare)
	 5. Will always repair/redo our rips if bad. NO EXCEPTIONS!
	 We at XPD have QC (Quality Control), and will not stoop to low 
	 bitrates or CBR 1 pass SVCDs. We are not scared of group nukes 
	 or getting beat in a race for going the extra mile for the 
	 end-user. We hope to be around along time.
	 The reason we make SVCD (Video CDs) is to provide and promote
	 the sale of the DVD. Everything on the DVD is not on the SVCD
	 and the DVD is far better quality. The United States Net Act
	 allows you to hold a copy of this for 180 days (6 months) then
	 you must discard this SVCD. We urge everyone to buy the original
	 DVD because this SVCD only provides some of it's contents.
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     °²Ûß°±²ß                                                         ß²±°ßÛ²°
      ±Uß          WiDE - TcS - iNTRAVENOUS - V4F - TECHNIQUe -       ßU±
      ±UÜ      - PTi - VCDWS - TWCiSO - TBH - XV - BAM - SOULVCD -    ÜU±
      °²UÜ°±²Ü      and all the rest we forgot to mention...     ܲ±°ÜU²°
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