Guts Of A Virgin - DVDRIP - DVD-R
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|                                                                              |
)                       Title         > Guts Of A Virgin                       (
(                                      (Shojo no harawata)                     (
(                                                                              (
)                     Genre           > Horror                                 (
)                   Movie Year        > 1986                                   (
)                    Runtime          > 72 minutes                             (
(                                                                              )
)                   DivX Rls          > 28.07.2002                             (
)                    DVD Rls          > Somewhere in 99                        (
(                                                                              )
)                    Audio            > --r3mix                                (
)                    Video            > 960 kbps SBC                           (
)                  Framesize          > 640 x 352                              (
(                                                                              )
)                   Subtitles         > English                                (
(                                                                              )
)                     Size            > 690 Mb                                 )
)                   Rar files         > 49 x 15 Mb                             (
|                                                                              |
|               Imdb info:                   |
|             User Rating:  5.1/10 (19 votes)                                  |
|                                 Plot & Cast                                  |
|                                 -----------                                  |
| Guts Of A Virgin isn't as over-the-top as the name might suggest. I expected |
| a slightly crazier movie from hearing about the film from many sources. Not  |
| that it isn't gory, but it's mostly boring softcore stuff. However, as with  |
| many movies like it, a few crazy, original scenes make this movie worth      |
| seeing. A worthwhile rental, but not purchase, for any fan of HK             |
| exploitation cinema.                                                         |
|                                                                              |
|          Saeko Kizuki...                        ...Rei                       |
|          Naomi Hagio...                      ...Kazuyo                       |
|          Megumi Kawashima...                    ...Kei                       |
|          Osamu Tsuruoka...                  ...Itomura                       |
|          Daiki Kato...                       ...Asaoka                       |
|                                                                              |
|            Directed by...    ...Kazuo 'Gaira' Komizu                         |
|            Writing credits......Kazuo 'Gaira' Komizu                         |
|                                                                              |
|                                 Release Info                                 |
|                                 ------------                                 |
| Although at first this might seem like just another Japanese gore film, it's |
| not. Based on Gaira's Manga, it tells a story of exploitation mixed with     |
| some rather bizarre and fascinating murders. The softcore sex scenes are     |
| insanely boring, and often not quite clear why they are there (are they      |
| fantasies or memories ?).  I say softcore, because as we all know sex is a   |
| no-no in Japan, so genetalia are all digitised out (bummer eh ;). If anyone  |
| ever comes accross a non-fogged print, let us know :). The sex scenes with   |
| the monster however are quite inventive and funny. We mainly see the shadow  |
| or outline of his enormous penis. The end is a bit wierd, and it was pretty  |
| unclear to me what Gaira was trying to say with it.  All in all, worthwhile  |
| watch to anyone who can live sitting through the boring sex scenes.          |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|                                 Group Info                                   |
|                                 ----------                                   |
|                     *** We don't do Pre-release DVDs ***                     |
|                     ********* We don't do dubs *********                     |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|  Looking for: - DVD suppliers (preferably alternative/asian movies)          |
|               - Experienced rippers                                          |
|               - Shells and vhosts                                            |
|                                                                              |
|   Contact us: - [email protected]                                         |
|                                                                              |
|                                  Thanks to                                   |
|                                  ---------                                   |
|                          MDX - AEN - PostX - SChiZO                          |
|   All the other groups in the DivX-scene bringing quality, Keep'm coming!    |
|                                                                              |
############################################################# By CNileK911 ##"