Cheech And Chong Still Smoking *WS* - DVDRIP - DMR
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                          .:: DMR PROUDLY PRESENTS ::.


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      .::RELEASE iNFO::.

             RiPPER................: Starion69
             DMR Release Date......: 05.08.2002
             DVD Release Date......: ?
             IMDB Rating...........: 4.7/10 (633 Votes)
             IMDB link.............:
             Runtime...............: ?
             Genre.................: Action
             Movie Year............: 1983
             Release Type..........: Svcd
             Size..................: 2 CDs
             Video.................: Multipass VBRx3 1970 kbit
             Resolution............: ?
             Audio.................: 224kbit
             Language..............: English
             Subtitles.............: DK, No, Se SVCDsub

   - --- -------------------------------------------------------------------

      .::MOViE iNFO::.

             MOViE TiTEL: Cheech & Chong : Still Smoking

             MOViE YEAR: 1983

             DiRECTED BY: Hans Fabian Wullenweber  

             TAGLiNE: You can always smell the excitement in the air.

             Cheech & Chong are invited to a celebrity party/festival in Amsterdam.
             When they get there, however, it turns out that the guy who invited them
             has taken off with all the money, and the rest of the hosts have a VERY
             limited budget. They are actually expecting Burt Reynolds and Dolly Parton,
             so our heroes gets to be Mr. Burt and Mr. Dolly. We follow them around
             Amsterdam, at their hotel, (still) smokin' joints and doing shows

             Cast overview, first billed only:

             Cheech Marin ...........  Cheech  
             Tommy Chong ............  Chong  
             Hans van in't Veld .....  Promoter  
             Carol van Herwijnen ....  Hotel Manager  
             Shireen Strooker .......  Assistant Manager  
             Susan Hahn .............  Hotel Maid  
             Arjan Ederveen .........  Bellboy  
             Kees Prins .............  Bellboy  
             Mariette Bout ..........  Barge Waitress  
             Fabiola (I) ............  Barge Lady  
             Carla van Amstel .......  Queen Beatrix  

   - --- -------------------------------------------------------------------

      .::DMR Group News::.

          As DMR is still a young group, we are atm accepting :

          * PRE-DVD, Suppliers
          * EU 10mbit+, 150GB+ win/linux dumpsites
          * And Rippers with average experience in the rls scene

          If you are ready with any of this contact us at:

          [email protected] 

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          Go out to the DiVX & SVCD SCENE

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                                                        nfo Made By DMR-CREW