Vampires Out For Blood - SCREENER - Correlation
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:AMMMMMMMMMMMMA: :AMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMA: :AMMMMMMMMMHHHHHMMMMMMMMA: :AMHMMMMHHMHIHHIMMMHMMMMHHA: :AM'MMMMMMHHIHHHIMMMMMIMMHHHH: AM:IMMMMMHHIHIHHHIMMHHHHHHHHHH AMIIHMMMMMHIHHHIHHIHHHHHHHHHHHH: MMIHHMMMMMHHIHHHIHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AMMMMMHHHHHHI;;;;;;;IHHHI;;IHHHHH MMMMHIIII;":AMMMMA ,[[, HH MMMMHII; AW"'''' :: HH IHHIHIII;:'' ,GFMF[ [MM[: IH AHHIHII;::': ";[P,[ ;; :::: IH IHHHIHII;;:: :[;: ;H AHHHHHII;;;:: : : [ : ;H IHHIIHI:[;;;:: ; ; ; , , IH IHHIIHH:[;;;: ; ;: ':"::" '; IH IHHIIHI:[;;: ::: ; ,,,, ' HH :IHHHIHHMMA;::: [;;""""""[; AMI ;IHHHHIIHMM;: : : ;;[,,,,[; HHI IIHHMMHHIHHM;:: '"""' AMHI IIHHMMHMHHIIIM;:: AMMHI IHHHMMHMHMHHHIHI;:: :AMMMHI IHHHMMMMHMMHHHII;;;;:: :,;; MMMHHI IHHHMMHHHHMMHHHI;:";;;;;;" MMMIH' ;IHHMMHMMMMHF"HHII MMMHH IHHMMHV;;:: HHII;: : MMHHI IHHMV;;::: HHII;: : : MMHI; IHMV;;:: : "HII;: :: MMI; :IHV;:: : 'HI: :: MM; IHV;:: : HA;: : "' IV;:: : : "II;: ; :IH;:: : III;: ; IH;;::: : ;;;I: ; HV;::: : : ';;;HI: ' ;M;;:::: : ';;;HI: ' MH;;:::: : ';;HI: ; IM;;;::: : :[; ';I"I: ; M;;;::: : : [;;,: ' : ' ;;:::: : ::'' : ': ;;::: : : ': : :;;:: : :: ':' ;;:: : : : '': ;;:: : : :;,: ;;:: : :: ;[[[,: :;;:: : : ;;[[[;': ;;:: : : [:: : : ;[[[[;;[, ;:: : [;;;: : :, [[[[['[[; ;:: : :M;;: : :,[ [[[[ [[' ;: : "[:: : ::[ ;[' ;: : "[: : ::[ :' :' :: :: : ", :::;[ :' :; : :: ': : :::;[ ::' :; :: ; : : ::::;[:,,::;;I' ;; ___ _ _ _ / __\___ _ __ _ __ ___| | __ _| |_(_) ___ _ __ / / / _ \| '__| '__/ _ \ |/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \ / /__| (_) | | | | | __/ | (_| | |_| | (_) | | | | \____/\___/|_| |_| \___|_|\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_| __.---._ __..--_ _...-""-.._ _..----._ .--. -" `"-' `---'` ``` `''` `"-. .'Correlation present Vampires.Out.For.Blood.SCREENER-Correlation\ | | / Title Vampires Out For Blood \ | Genre Horror | \ Runtime 95min / | Size cd1 @ 31 * 15mb, cd2 @ 29 * 15mb | ' Store Date: 15-Feb-2005 \ / Release Date: 08-Dec-2004 \ | | \ PLOT / | Suspecting the drug- and music-drenched rave scene | / has become a breeding ground for a group of plasma-thirsty / \ creatures of the night, dedicated detective Kevin Dillon is | / the laughing stock of his department. But when he suffers a \ | bite from the head bloodsucker, Dillon must wipe out the / \ entire gang of vamps or become one himself. With Vanessa / / Angel, Jodi Lyn O'Keefe, and Lance Henriksen. \ | AKA: "Out for Blood." \ \ | / Director: Richard Brandes \ | Cast: Vanessa Angel, Kevin Dillon, Lance Henriksen, / \ Alex McArthur, Jodi Lyn O'Keefe, Jim Ortlieb \ | | / \ | | \ / | | ' \ \ .' '._.-''-._ _.-'-z .--._.--''--. .__ _.--._.--'` '-----' z `''---'` `---` __.---._ __..--_ _...-""-.._ _..----._ .--. -" `"-' `---'` ``` `''` `"-. .' Greetz to zeratul We are looking for .us & .eu`\ | NFO by viagra sites to affil on , \ If you know us, you will find us! .' '._.-'*-._ _.-'-z .--._.--''--. .__ _.**._.--'` '---'-' x `''---'` `---`