Vampires Out For Blood - SCREENER - Correlation
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 .'Correlation present Vampires.Out.For.Blood.SCREENER-Correlation\
 |                                                                 |
 /    Title    Vampires Out For Blood                              \
 |    Genre    Horror                                               |
 \    Runtime  95min                                               /
 |    Size     cd1 @ 31 * 15mb, cd2 @ 29 * 15mb                    |
 '    Store Date: 15-Feb-2005                                      \
 /    Release Date: 08-Dec-2004                                    \
 |                                                                 |
 \    PLOT                                                         /
 |    Suspecting the drug- and music-drenched rave scene           |
 /    has become a breeding ground for a group of plasma-thirsty   /
 \    creatures of the night, dedicated detective Kevin Dillon is  |
 /    the laughing stock of his department. But when he suffers a  \
 |    bite from the head bloodsucker, Dillon must wipe out the     /
 \    entire gang of vamps or become one himself. With Vanessa    /
 /    Angel, Jodi Lyn O'Keefe, and Lance Henriksen.               \
 |    AKA: "Out for Blood."                                        \ 
 \                                                                 |
 /    Director: Richard Brandes                                    \
 |    Cast: Vanessa Angel, Kevin Dillon, Lance Henriksen,          /
 \    Alex McArthur, Jodi Lyn O'Keefe, Jim Ortlieb                 \    
 |                                                                 |
 /                                                                 \
 |                                                                 |
 \                                                                 /
 |                                                                 |
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 .'        Greetz to zeratul          We are looking for .us & .eu`\
 |         NFO by viagra              sites to affil on            ,                               
  \                         If you know us, you will find us!     .'
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