The Simpsons S05E06 *XviD* - DVDRIP - MEDiEVAL
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   /--------------------| RELEASE INFORMATION  |-------------------\
   |                                                               |
   |   MEDiEVAL proudly presents:                                  |
   |                                                               |
   |   The.Simpsons.S05E06.DVDRip.XviD-MEDiEVAL                    |
   |                                                               |
   |   SOURCE     : DVD                                            |
   |   VIDEO      : XviD 512x384 @ 23.976fps                       |
   |   AUDIO      : VBR 128 MP3                                    |
   |   SIZE       : 13x15mb                                        |
   |   DVD date   : Dec 21 2004                                    |
   |   Rls date   : Mon Dec 13 2004                                |
   |                                                               |
   |--------------------| EP. INFO             |-------------------|
   |                                                               |
   |   The Simpsons                                                |
   |   #5.06: Marge on the Lam                                     |
   |   Thu Nov 04 1993                                             |
   |                                                               |
   |   Marge pledges money to PBS and gets tickets to the ballet   |
   |   and Homer goes with her against his wishes. When he gets    |
   |   his arm caught in two vending machines, he has to cancel.   |
   |   Marge asks her next-door neighbor, Ruth, to go in his place |
   |   and has a terrific time with her. Meanwhile Homer is still  |
   |   at work hours later. Homer eventually returns home and has  |
   |   an argument with Marge about her new friend. She and Ruth   |
   |   have another girls' night out a few days later. Homer gets  |
   |   a baby-sitter for the children, Lionel Hutz and then he     |
   |   decides to go out and have some fun on his own. Marge and   |
   |   Ruth are having a wild night, while Homer's night has       |
   |   turned to crap. Chief Wiggum gives Homer a ride home, but   |
   |   they end up in a chase after Ruth and Marge, because Ruth   |
   |   is driving a stolen car. Marge tries to talk Ruth out of    |
   |   it, but after they lose the fuzz, Marge elects to stay with |
   |   Ruth in her run from the law for the rest of the night. The |
   |   high speed chase has begun again and Bart and Lisa see      |
   |   Marge on TV when the chase gains TV coverage. In the style  |
   |   of "Thelma &    |
   |   Louise" Ruth and Marge's high speed chase heads towards |
   |   a chasm. Chief Wiggum and Homer fly their police car into a |
   |   bunch of solid waste. In the end a "Dragnet" style        |
   |   voiceover tells what happens to each character.             |
   |                                                               |
   |   url:                            |
   |                                                               |
   |--------------------|       NOTES          |-------------------|
   |                                                               |
   |                                                               |
   |                                                               |
   |   We are just a bunch of die hard TV fans who rip some of     |
   |   our favorite shows when they come out on DVD in the XviD    |
   |   format to share with other TV fans.                         |
   |                                                               |
   |   Want ad:                                                    |
   |   Got HDTV? Love quality TV shows?                            |
   |   We are currently looking for HDTV cappers in North America  |
   |   We reward reliable, hard working people generously!         |
   |   Want to help us out in any other way?  Contact us at:       |
   |   [email protected]                                  |
   |                                                               |
   |--------------------|       GREETS         |-------------------|
   |                                                               |
   |              we greet all groups that are fun!                |
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