In Good Company - DVD SCR - FYC
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  _|__-- - -------- --;__ \  _ _\\  \_/  / /  _ / -;-- -------- - --- |   
   : /                     \  _\  \_  _ / /  /                      : /   
    /   Group : FYC         \ \     | |   \  \_                      /    
                             \_\    |_|    \_ _/                          
                      _____________/\  ____________                  _|_  
  _|__-- - -------- --;____________  \/ __________ ;-- -------- - --- |   
   : /                              \  /                           : /    
    /   Release :                    \/                             /     
                      _____________/\  ____________                  _|_  
  _|__-- - -------- --;____________  \/ __________ ;-- -------- - --- |   
   : /                              \  /                           : /    
    /   INFO :                       \/                             /     
                   RLS.DATE: 2005-01-07                                   
                   CiN.DATE: 2005-01-14                                   
                      FiLES: 94x50MB                                      
                      _____________/\  ____________                  _|_  
  _|__-- - -------- --;____________  \/ __________ ;-- -------- - --- |   
   : /                              \  /                           : /    
    /   IMDB :                       \/                             /     
                      _____________/\  ____________                  _|_  
  _|__-- - -------- --;____________  \/ __________ ;-- -------- - --- |   
   : /                              \  /                           : /    
    /   Plot :                       \/                             /     
                   Dennis Quaid plays a middle-aged ad exec faced         
                   with a new boss who's nearly half his age ...          
                   and who also happens to be sleeping with his           
                      _____________/\  ____________                  _|_  
  _|__-- - -------- --;____________  \/ __________ ;-- -------- - --- |   
   : /                              \  /                           : /    
    /   Notes :                      \/                             /     
                   What for?