Team America *XviD* - DVD SCR - DVL
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           Digital Video Labs
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                      ßß         ±±±±°        ±°°±°      Proudly Presents...
                                °    °°      °   °
  ÛÛ²±° ° [Release Info] °  °                                      °  ° °±²ÛÛ
  Û                                                                         Û
  Û                      Team.America.DVDSCR.XviD-DVL                       Û
  Û                                                                         Û
  Û²±° °  °°   °                                                    °  ° °±²Û
  ²                                                                         ²
  ±  Release Date:     08/30/04        Video Bitrate:    1001 kBit/s XViD   ±
  °  DVD Retail Date:  09/28/04        Audio Quality:    vbr mp3 448 6ch
     Film Genre:       Drama           Video Resolution: 608 x 256            °
     MPEG4 Codec Type: XViD            Release Size:     50x15Mb
  °  DVD Runtime:      98 Mins (R1)    Video Framerate:  23.970FPS
     IMDB Rating:      7.4/10          Subtitles:        NONE
  ²                                                                         ²
  Û²±°° ° [Theatre Date] °                                          °  ° °±²Û
  ²                                                                         ²
  ±  Theatre date: (2004)                                                   ±
  °                                                                         °
  Û²±° °  [Plot Summary] °                                          °  ° °±²Û
  ²                                                                         ²
  ±    Team America follows an international police force dedicated to 
       maintaining global stability. Learning that power hungry dictator 
       Kim Jong Il (Parker) is out to destroy the world, the team recuits 
       Broadway star Gary Johnston (Parker) to go undercover. With the help 
       of Team America (Stone, Miller, Masasa, Parker, and Norris), Gary 
       manages to slip into an arms dealer's hideout to uncover the plan to 
       destroy the world. Will Team America be able to save the world?      ±
  ²                                                                         ²
  Û²±°  ° [Cast] °  °                                               °  ° °±²Û
  ²                                                                         ²
                            Trey Parker ....  Gary Johnston/Joe/Hans Blix/Kim Jong 
                                        Il/Carson/Drunk/Tim Robbins/Sean Penn/Michael Moore/Helen Hunt (voice) 
                            Matt Stone ....  Chris/George Clooney/Others (voice) 
                        Kristen Miller ....  Lisa (voice) 
                                Masasa ....  Sarah (voice) 
                          Daran Norris ....  Spottswoode (voice) 
                          Phil Hendrie ....  Intelligence (voice) 
                      Maurice LaMarche ....  Alec Baldwin (voice) 
                      Chelsea Magritte ....  French Mother (voice) 
                          Jeremy Shada ....  Jean Francois (voice) 
                       Fred Tatasciore ....  Samuel L. Jackson (voice) 
                           Dian Bachar ....  (voice) 
                           John D. Kim ....  Guard/Korean Pilot/Others (voice) 
                         Josiah D. Lee ....  International Counter Intelligence Officer (voice) 
                          David Michie ....  French florist (voice) 
                             Elle Russ ....  Voice over (voice) 
                    Stanley G. Sawicki ....  (voice)  
  ±                                  ±
  ²                                                                         ²
  Û²±°° ° [Additional Info] °                                       °  ° °±²Û
  ²                                                                         ²
  °                                                                         °
  Û²±°° ° [GROUP NEWS] °                                            °  ° °±²Û
  ²                                                                         ²
  ±  group news... what news? a better question... what group? we don't
     exist so therefore you can not contact us, if we need you... we'll
     contact you :)
  °                                                                         °
  Û²±° °  °[GREETS]°                                                °  ° °±²Û
  ²                                                                         ²
  °   °
  Û                                                                         ²
  ÛÛ²±°° °  °                                                      °   ° °±²Û
  ²                                                                         ²
  ±                                                                         ±
  °                                                                         ° 
|.:.MisterX & MisterY.:.:.. \ \\/ // | ||\/\| ||::.::.:::.Site Scripts V1.2:|