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        ________ /____.     ._____:  ___.    ___________       
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      .____         __/   |    /     |        __/__. pRESENTS           
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                        U-571 [Complete]
: :: :::[RELEASE iNFO]:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :
       Release name................: U571
       Ripper......................: Vamp
       Genre.......................: Action / War
       Year........................: 2000
       Source......................: Retail R1 DVD
       Features....................: DD 5.1 / English / Multiregion & Macro free 
       Burn with...................: Prassi Primo DVD .GI
       IMDB........................: http://us.imdb.com/Title?0141926 ( 6.7 / 10 9496 votes )
: :: :::[MOViE iNFO]:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :
A team of US Soldiers are sent on a mission to sneak aboard a disabled German U-Boat
to steal an encryption device that would give the allies the edge they need to win the war. 
What they dont know is, Germans are on the way to answer the S.O.S as well. 
What happens next puts nine american sailors in the most unusual situation, they're stranded
On a Nazi sub in enemy waters !
: :: :::[GREETiNGS]::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :
  Everyone in the DVD-R scene and muh homies...
  Kalx, Biffter, Rolon, Banzai, Mblaster, Red_Alert, Geegee, Shellshock
: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :
nfo last updated: 11.08.02  ascii: pRO^aRTS