I Heart Huckabees - DVDRIP - NFR
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  _____ _  __________ __ _ _   Proudly Presents   _ _ __ _______________\ ___
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 |                   I Heart Huckabees (c) Fox Searchlight                  \|
 |                                                                           \
 |   Supplier....: Fuck u                      Size.....:57x15 57X15         |\
 |   Media.......: DVD                                                       |¯
_|   Runtime.....: 106                         Quality..:fuck u              |
\|   Format......: SVCD                        Files....:nfr-ihh*            |
 \   iMDB Rating.: 7.3/10                      RLS Date.:Jan29/05            |
 |\  Genre.......: Comedy                      Retail...:Feb15/05            |
 | \\                                                              _    ..:: |
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         .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [ P l o t ] ::::'
 |                                                                           |
 : A husband-and-wife team play detective, but not in the traditional sense. 
   Instead, the happy duo helps others solve their existential issues, the 
   kind that keep you up at night, wondering what it all means                                                                          :
 .                                                                           .

 .                                                                           .
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         .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [ N e w s ] ::::'
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 .                                                                           .

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