The Untouchables *iNTERNAL* *SVCD* - DVDRIP - DMR
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   - --- -------------------------------------------------------------------
                          .:: DMR PROUDLY PRESENTS ::.
   - --- -------------------------------------------------------------------
      .::RELEASE iNFO::.
             RiPPER................: Tu Madre
             DMR Release Date......: 19.08.2002
             DVD Release Date......: ?
             IMDB Rating...........: 7.8/10 (16276 votes)  
             IMDB link.............:
             Runtime...............: 02:hours 01:mins
             Genre.................: Action / Crime / Drama 
             Movie Year............: 1987
             Release Type..........: SVCD
             Size..................: 3 CDs
             Video.................: 2468
             Resolution............: 480x480 AR- 16:9
             Audio.................: 224kbit
             Language..............: English
             Subtitles.............: None

   - --- -------------------------------------------------------------------
      .::MOViE iNFO::.
             MOViE TiTLE: The Untouchables
             MOViE YEAR: 1987
             DiRECTED BY: Brian De Palma    

             Tagline: AL CAPONE. He ruled Chicago with absolute power. No one could touch him.
                      No one could stop him. - Until Eliot Ness and a small force of men swore
                      they'd bring him down.
             Plot Summary:
             Federal agent Elliot Ness assembles a personal team of mob fighters to 
             bring Chicago crime boss Al Capone to justice using unconventional 
             means during the mob wars of the 1920s. This fictionalized account of 
             the arrest of Al Capone is heavy on style and gunfire. The end shootout
             combines a baby carriage and stairs with a nod to Eisenstein's 
             The Battleship Potemkin. 

             Cast overview, first billed only:
             Kevin Costner ...........  Eliot Ness  
             Sean Connery ............  Jim Malone  
             Charles Martin Smith ....  Agent Oscar Wallace  
             Andy Garcia .............  Agent George Stone  
             Robert De Niro ..........  Al Capone  
             Richard Bradford (I) ....  Police Chief Mike Dorsett  
             Jack Kehoe ..............  Walter Payne  
             Brad Sullivan ...........  George  
             Billy Drago .............  Frank Nitti  
             Patricia Clarkson .......  Catherine Ness  
             Vito D'Ambrosio .........  Bowtie Driver  
             Steven Goldstein (I) ....  Scoop  
             Peter Aylward ...........  Lieutenant Anderson  
             Don Harvey (I) ..........  Officer Preseuski  
             Robert Swan .............  Mountie Captain 

   - --- -------------------------------------------------------------------
      .::DMR Group News::.
          As DMR is still a young group, we are atm accepting :
          * PRE-DVD, Suppliers
          * EU 10mbit , 150GB  win/linux dumpsites
          * And Rippers with average experience in the rls scene
          If you are ready with any of this contact us at:
          [email protected]

   - --- -------------------------------------------------------------------
          Go out to the DiVX & SVCD SCENE
   - --- -------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                        nfo Made By DMR-CREW