The Phantom of the Opera *RERIP* *WS* *XviD* - DVD SCR - MoF
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 `++OOO  ....++++++++++++++++++++Movies on Fire++++++++++++++++++++++OOO++'
< ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>
 \+++++++++++++++++++++++++++The Phantom of the Opera++++++++++++++++++++++++/
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           Release Date: 14/02-05     IMDB.....: 7.1/10 (8,226 votes)
           Source......: DVDSCR       Genre....: Musical/Drama/Romance                      
           Format......: XviD         Audio....: VBR MP3         
           Size........: 50x15mb      Aspect...: Widescreen
           Cds.........: 2            Subs.....: None                                
     ÚÄij  .:[ Release Info ]:.                                       ³ÄÄ¿
     ³³±³                                                              ³±³³
     ³³±³   Awww... Who would have thought the actual source dvd to be ³±³³
     ³³±³   out of sync? It has now been corrected for a perfectly     ³±³³
     ³³±³   synced rerip of one of the best movies this year.          ³±³³
     ³³±³                                                              ³±³³
     ³³±³   To make up for the producers misstake, we promise to fire  ³±³³
     ³³±³   out some more movies in the near future. ;)                ³±³³
     ³³±³                                                              ³±³³
     ³³±³   NOTe: Note there are small foreign subs at spots, no big   ³±³³
     ³³±³         deal tho.. Other than that that video without b&w,   ³±³³
     ³³±³         watermarks, serials etc                              ³±³³
     ³³±³                                                              ³±³³ 
     ³³±³                         ~Team MoF~                           ³±³³ 
      ³±³                                                              ³±³            
     ÚÄij  .:[ Movie Info ]:.                                         ³ÄÄ¿
      ³±³ A disfigured musical genius, hidden away in the Paris Opera  ³±³
     ³³±³ House, terrorizes the opera company for the unwitting benefit³±³³
     ³³±³ of a young protege whom he trains and loves. (more)          ³±³³
     ³³±³                                                              ³±³³ 
     ³³±³            You can read much more at IMDB:                   ³±³³
     ³³±³                                                              ³±³³ 
     ³³±³                ³±³³ 
      ³±³                                                              ³±³
     ÕÍͳ  .:[ Group Info ]:.                                         ³Í͸
      ³±³ Not much to say at this time, we`re searching for recruits.. ³±³
     ³³±³                                                              ³±³³ 
     ³³±³ so contact us if you can help us!                            ³±³³
     ³³±³                                                              ³±³³ 
      ³±³ Team MoF                                                     ³±³            
     ÚÄij  .:[ Apply Info ]:.                                         ³ÄÄ¿
      ³±³ If you got one of following then you should contact us!      ³±³
     ³³±³ -Unreleased VHS/DVD Screeners.                               ³±³³
     ³³±³ -Unreleased PAL/NTSC RETAIL DVDs.                            ³±³³
     ³³±³ -Unreleased Workprints/Preveiw Copys etc.                    ³±³³
     ³³±³ -Unreleased Cams/Telesyncs/Telecines.                        ³±³³
     ³³±³ -Unreleased material such as Console, Games, Warez etc.      ³±³³ 
     ³³±³ -PAL DV Camara or a Telecine Machine.                        ³±³³ 
     ³³±³ -DTS Theather Discs or Direct Input Audio.                   ³±³³
     ³³±³ -Or anything els that might be of intrest..Mail Us! :)       ³±³³
      ³±³                                                              ³±³
     ÕÍͳ  .:[ Greets ]:.                                             ³Í͸
      ³±³       TEG-DVD <> METEOR <> TUN <> ASTEROiDS <> TEG-VCD       ³±³
     ³³±³                                                              ³±³³ 
      ³±³  and any other MOVIE releasing group out there that deservs. ³±³
     ÚÄij  .:[ Contacts ]:.                                           ³ÄÄ¿
     ³³±³  .:[ Webpage : ]:.                    ³±³³
     ³³±³                                                              ³±³³
     ³³±³  .:[ IRC     : #No.Thanks ]:.                                ³±³³
     ³³±³                                                              ³±³³
     ³³±³  .:[ E-mail  : [email protected] ]:.                            ³±³³