He-Man: Masters of the Universe: The Beginning - CABLE - 3rdmillenium
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Granted an Þ° °Ý incredible gift by the oracle known as The Sorceress, Þ° °Ý Prince Adam transforms into the mighty He-Man when he Þ° °Ý holds the Sword of Power aloft and uters the words "By the Þ° °Ý power of Grayskull." Together with his allies Man-at-Arms,Þ° °Ý Teela, Ram Man, and an assortment of other heroic warriors,Þ° °Ý He-Man battles to defend Eternia, a place where sorcery Þ° °Ý and science intertwine to create a world of technological Þ° °Ý wonder and barbaric magic. Þ° °Ý Þ° ° ° ÜÜÛßßÛÜÜ Ûß° °ßÛ a s t Ûß° ° ß ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ° Û° ° O v e r v i e w ÛÜ° ° Ü ÛÜ° °ÜÜß ßßÛÜÜÛßß ° °Ý A bunch of drawings - Various unknown vocalists Þ° °Ý Everyone else - Read the included credits :p Þ° °Ý Þ° °Ý Þ° ° Ü ÜÜ ° ÛÜ ÜÜÜÛßßßÛ ÛÛßß°°° °ßÛ e l e a s e ÛÜ° °ÜÛ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Û° ° °Üß n O t e s Û° Ü ÛÜ° ° Û° ° ß °Ý The start of a new series, and it's quite possibly better Þ° °Ý than the original. At least Skeletor isn't a pussy in Þ° °Ý this one. The art and story are also revamped and it all Þ° °Ý looks pretty good. Enjoy this 80's throwback. Þ° °Ý Þ° ° ÜÜÛßßÛÜÜ Ûß° °ßÛ r O u p n e w s Ûß° ° ß ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ° Û° ° a n d ÛÜ° ÜÛßÛÜ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÛÜ° °ÜÛß h i r i n g ßßÛÜÜÛßßÛ ° Ûß ß °Ýwe are currently looking for the following: Þ° °Ý Þ° °Ýþsupplying and ripping new and unreleased screener titles Þ° °Ý (maybe you work at a video rental store, retailer or are anÞ° °Ý academy member and have access to vhs screener tapes or Þ° °Ý screener dvds). Þ° °Ý Þ° °Ýþsupplying and ripping new and unreleased pressed vcds (if Þ° °Ý you live in malaysia, hong kong, singapore, etc. and have aÞ° °Ý decent internet connection and have access to new movies Þ° °Ý sold on the streetcorner). Þ° °Ý Þ° °Ýþsupplying and ripping new and unreleased dvd titles (maybe Þ° °Ý you work at a dvd rental store, retailer, or have access toÞ° °Ý early drop shipments of dvds and have a decent internet Þ° °Ý connection). Þ° °Ý Þ° °Ýþsupplying a members headquarters shellbox that can act as aÞ° °Ý group main that members can retrieve scene goodies from. Þ° °Ý Þ° °Ýþ10mbit or faster dump sites. Þ° °Ý Þ° °Ýþif you have talents in some of the areas listed and would Þ° °Ý like to join one of the vcd scenes best groups, email us Þ° °Ý today. group members receive all the advantages and access Þ° °Ý to sites with everything one could ever think of including:Þ° °Ý Þ° °Ý 0day þ iso þ anime þ clonecd þ divx þ dvdrip þ dc þ gba Þ° °Ý gbc þ mp3 þ musicvids þ psx þ ps2 þ pda þ svcd þ tvrip Þ° °Ý vcd þ xxx Þ° °Ý Þ° °Ý IF YOU THINK YOU CAN HELP CONTACT US AT [email protected] Þ° ° ÜÜÛßßÛÜÜ ° Ûß° °ßÛ Ûß° ° ß r e e t s Û° ° ÛÜ° ÜÛßÛÜ ÛÜ° °ÜÛß ßßÛÜÜÛßßÛ ° Ûß ° ß °Ýhafvcd þ thciso þ ftf þ centropy þ eviliso þ vcdeurope þ fmiÞ° °Ývortex þ bamvcd þ tmmvcd þ drs þ dvnvcd þ exxtasy þ smut Þ° °Ý #oldwarez þ #isofoundry Þ° °Ý Þ° °Ý everyone who brings quality to the scene Þ°