Jimi Hendrix Live At The Isle of Wight - DVDRIP - ABEZ
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        _    _    __    ____  ____  ____    ____  _  _  ___  ____  _  _  ____      
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       (__/__)(__)(__)(_)_)(____)(____)  (____)(_)_)___/(____)(_)_)(____)     
 ¤                                                                               ¤ 
 ¤         Jimi.Hendrix.Live.At.The.Isle.Of.Wight.1970.DVDRip.DivX-ABEZ          ¤ 
 ¤                                                                               ¤ 
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       (  )                                                             (  )
        )(                                                               )(
       (  )                                                             (  )       
        )(       Movie                                                   )(        
       (  )       Original Name     : Jimi Hendrix at the Isle of Wight (  )       
        )(        International Name: Jimi Hendrix at the Isle of Wight  )(        
       (  )       Year              : 1970                              (  )       
        )(                                                               )(        
       (  )      Release Date            : 08/22/02                     (  )       
        )(       DVD Release Date        : 07/17/02  			 )(
       (  )      US Threater Release     : N/A		        	(  )
        )(                                                               )(        
       (  )      Genre                   : Documentary                  (  )       
        )(                                                               )(        
       (  )      Size                    : 48X15 MB	                (  )       
        )(                                   				 )(
       (  )								(  )
        )(       Video Size              : 698 MB                        )(        
       (  )                                                             (  )       
        )(       IMDB                                                    )(        
       (  )          Number              : 0104556                      (  )       
        )(           Rating              : 6.1/10                        )(        
       (  )                                                             (  )       
        )(       Runtime                 : 56 min                        )(        
       (  )      							(  )
        )(       Ripping Method          : SBC Nandub			 )(
       (  )      DVDSource               : Retail NTSC                  (  )       
        )(       Video                                                   )(        
       (  )           Codec              : DivX 3.11a                   (  )       
        )(            Bitrate            : ~1500                         )(       
       (  )           Resolution         : 640x480                      (  )       
        )(            Aspect Ratio       : 4:3                           )(        
       (  )           FPS                : 23,976                       (  )       
        )(                                                               )(        
       (  )      Audio                                                  (  )       
        )(            Codec              : Lame MP3 VBR                  )(        
       (  )           Bitrate            : ~192                         (  )       
        )(                                                               )(        
       (  )      Language                : English                      (  )       
        )(                                                               )(        
       (  )      Subtitles               : None                         (  )       
        )(                                                               )( 
       (  )           Ripper             : D3R3Kz                       (  )
        )(            Supplier           : ABEZTeam                      )( 
       (  )                                                             (  )       
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 ¤                                                                               ¤ 
 ¤                IMDB URL:   http://us.imdb.com/Title?0104556                   ¤ 
 ¤                                                                               ¤ 
 ¤°`°¤ø,¸¸,ø¤°`°¤ø,¸¸,ø¤°`°¤ø,¸¸,ø¤°`°¤ø, ,ø¤°`°¤ø,¸¸,ø¤°`°¤ø,¸¸,ø¤°`°¤ø,¸¸,ø¤°`°¤ 
                                        ) )                                        
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 ¤                                                                               ¤ 
 ¤    Plot Info:                                                                 ¤    
 ¤    ¤°`°¤°`°¤                                                                  ¤
 ¤                                                                               ¤
 ¤           Great movie.                                                        ¤
 ¤                                                                               ¤
 ¤                                                                               ¤ 
 ¤                                                                               ¤ 
 ¤                                                                               ¤ 
 ¤     Directed by : Murray Lerner                                               ¤ 
 ¤     Written by  : Arthur Fontes/Sergio Mekler                                 ¤ 
 ¤                                                                               ¤ 
 ¤     Songs:   Message to Love                 Voodo Chile                      ¤ 
 ¤     ¤°`°¤    God Save the Queen              Freedom                          ¤ 
 ¤ 		Sgt. Pepper 	 		Machine Gun	                 ¤             
 ¤		Spanish Castle Magic  	  	Dolly Dagger			 ¤
 ¤              All Along the Matchtower        Red House                        ¤ 
 ¤                                              In From the Storm                ¤ 
 ¤     Ripping Notes:								 ¤
 ¤             									 ¤
 ¤              A great performance of Jimi Hendrix live whith your              ¤
 ¤         psicodelic solos of guitar.                                           ¤
 ¤              Enjoy our sample of this release whith the great solo of the     ¤
 ¤         classic song Voodoo Chile. Really cool !!                             ¤
 ¤                                                                               ¤ 
 ¤                                                                               ¤ 
 ¤     Greetings:                                                                ¤ 
 ¤     ¤°`°¤°`°¤°                                                                ¤ 
 ¤                                                                               ¤ 
 ¤        To All The ABEZMembers                                                 ¤ 
 ¤                                                                               ¤ 
 ¤                                                                               ¤ 
 ¤°`°¤ø,¸¸,ø¤°`°¤ø,¸¸,ø¤°`°¤ø,¸¸,ø¤°`°¤ø, ,ø¤°`°¤ø,¸¸,ø¤°`°¤ø,¸¸,ø¤°`°¤ø,¸¸,ø¤°`°¤ 
                                        ) )                                        
 ,¸¸,ø¤°`°¤ø,¸¸,ø¤°`°¤ø,¸¸,ø¤°`°¤ø,¸,ø¤°` ¤ø,¸¸,ø¤°`°¤ø,¸¸,ø¤°`°¤ø,¸¸,ø¤°`°¤ø,¸¸,ø 
 ¤                                                                               ¤
 ¤   If you're a great dvd ripper or supplier, you know where you can find us.   ¤
 ¤                                                                               ¤
 ¤                     ..: We're looking for :..                                 ¤
 ¤                                                                               ¤
 ¤                         Site affils 10mb                                      ¤
 ¤              US/.SE/AS 100gb  Boxes for exclusive usage                       ¤
 ¤                                                                               ¤
 ¤ Group Info:                                                                   ¤ 
 ¤ ¤°`°¤°`°¤°`                                                                   ¤ 
 ¤                                                                               ¤ 
 ¤ IRC        : #abez@efnet                                                      ¤ 
 ¤ Email      : [email protected]                                               ¤ 
 ¤ Url        : N/A                                                              ¤ 
 ¤ Group from : BraSil                                                           ¤ 
 ¤                                                                               ¤ 
 ¤           Don't send mail requesting releases, keys, cracks.                  ¤ 
 ¤                                                                               ¤ 