The Pacifier - TELECINE - TUN
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                    ____      ____                                   .
                  _|    |____|    | ______                           .
         .........\_    _    |    |/  ___/___................,,......:.. .
         :         |    |    _    |  __/    /                        :
         :         |____|____|____|__________\         T H E         :
     _____ ___ _______ _______ ______ _______                        :
    /    //   \\_    //_     //  ___//_     /  U N D E R G R O U N D :
    \    \      /   /  /    /   __/  _/    /                         :
     \_________/____\______/_________\______\      N E T W O R K     :
         :          ______ _______ _______ _____ ____ ________ _______
         :          \  __//_     //   _   \\    \\    \_     //_     /
         : cDr/SAC /   \_  /    //    /    \\    /     /    /  /    /:
         :         \_______\_____\_________//________//_____\______/ :
         :   ________ ______ ______ __.:____ _______ _______ ___: _____
         ____\_     //  ___/_    _/   ||   //   _   \\_    //   |/    /
         \    /    /   __/  |    |    ||        /    _/   /    _/    /
 :_     /____/_____\________|____|____/\_____________\_________\_____\     _:
 |(                                                                        )|
 |//\_.                                                                ._/\\|
 |                                                                          |
-o-   PRESENTS: The Pacifier (2005)                                        -o-
 |    |                                                                |    |
 ||   | Supplied by.: Underground      Rls.Date...: 17/04/2005         |    |
 ||   | Source......: TELECINE         IMDB.Rate..: 5.0/10             |    |
 ||   | Genre.......: Comedy/Action    IMDB.Votes.: 1,674 votes        |    |
 |:   | Format......: SVCD             Size.......: 114x50mb (2CDs)    |    |
 |o   | Subtitles...: None             Files......: tun-pacifier*      |    |
 |    |_Widescreen..: [X]              Limited....: [ ]               _|    |
 |   _ /______________________________________________________________\ _   |
 |   \//                                                              \\/   |
 |    | RELEASE NOTES:                                                 |    |               
 |    |                                                                |    |               
 |    | Can you help us get "Direct Input Audio" for the latest theatre|    |               
 |    | movies in english? Or maybe you work in theatre?? Write us!!   |    |
 |    |                                                                |    | 
 |    | Contact: [email protected]                                  |    |
 |    |                                                                |    |   
 |   _ /______________________________________________________________\ _  .|
 |   \//                                                              \\/  ||
 |    | PLOT:                                                          |   ||
 |    |                                                                |   ||
 |    | Disgraced Navy SEAL Shane Wolf (Diesel) is handed a new        |   :|
 |    | assignment: Protect the five Plummer kids from enemies of their|    |
 |    | recently deceased father -- a government scientist whose top-  |    |
 |    | secret experiment remains in the kids' house. (more)           |    |
 |    |                                                                |    | 
 |    | IMDB LINK:                |    |
 |:   |_                                                              _|    |
 |o  _ /______________________________________________________________\ _   |
 ||  \//                                                              \\/   |
 ||   | RECRUITS:                                                      |    |
 |    |                                                                |    |
 |    | We are currently in need of the following talented people:     |    |
 |    |                                                                |    |
 |    | Suppliers:                                                     |    |
 |    | - Can You get the latest VHS/DVD SCREENERs or DVD RETAILs?     |    |
 |    | - Maybe you can get unreleased CONSOLE or GAMES?               |    |
 |    |                                                                |    |
 |    | Theather People:                                               |    |
 |    | - Are You able to supplie us with DTS or Direct Input Audio?   |    |
 |    | - Do you have full acces to a theatre or maybe manage one?     |    |
 |    |                                                                |    |
 |    | NOTE: Dosen`t matter where in the world you`re located.        |    |
 |    |                                                                |    |
 |    | Syncers/Encoders:                                              |    |
 |    | - Are You a HIGHLY experienced Syncer or Encoder?              |    |
 |    |                                                                |    |
 |    | NOTE: High-Speed Connection required.                          |    |
 |    |                                                                |    |
 |    | Pal DV Camara/Telecine Machine:                                |    |
 |    | - Donate a Camara? Or maybe a Telecine Machine?                |    |
 |    |                                                                |    |
 |    | Legit 100Mbit+:                                                |    |
 |    | - Links with or without Box(es) in eu/us/asia. (LEGIT!)        |    |
 |    |                                                                |    |
 |    | This was a little review of our needs. If you are one of the   |    |
 |    | lucky ones, you will be offered a place among us. To get in    |    |
 |    | touch simply mail us at: [email protected]                  |    |
 |    |                                                                |    |
 |    | -The Underground Network-                                      |    |
 |    |_                                                              _|    |
 |   _ /______________________________________________________________\ _   |
 |   \//                                                              \\/   |
 |    | CONTACT US:                                                    |    |
 |    |                                                                |    |
 |    | e-mail: [email protected]                                   |    |
 |    |    irc: None                                                   |    |
 |    |    www: None                                                   |    |
 |    |_                                                              _|   o|
 |   _ /______________________________________________________________\ _  :|
 |   \//                                                              \\/  ||
 |    | GREETINGS:                                                     |   /|
 |    |                                                                |   ||
 |    |             To those HARD working groups out there             |    |
 |    |                                                                |    |
 |    |         And of course all that has supported us sofare!        |    |
 |                                                                          |
 |    |                                                                |    |
 |_ /\|      THE UNDERGROUND NETWORK (c) NFO UPDATED: 17/04/2005       |/\ _|
 |((  :                                                                :  ))|
 |/                                                                        \|
 :                                                                          :
|.:.MisterX & MisterY.:.:.. \ \\/ // | ||\/\| ||::.::.:::.Site Scripts V1.2:|