The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy - TELESYNC - LeXuS
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                              Release Date: 05/01/2005
           Rar count   : CD1[36]x15mb CD2[38]x15mb Ripper.......: LeXuS       
           MPAA Rating : PG                        Country......: US                
           Genre       : Adventure / Sci-Fi        Language.....: English  
           Runtime     : 110 mins                  Title........: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005)
           IMDB Rating : 7.4/10                    Language.....: English
           Release Link:
  Everyone has bad mornings. You wake up late, you stub your toe, you burn the toast...
  but for a man named Arthur Dent, this goes far beyond a bad day. When he learns that 
  a friend of his is actually an alien with advanced knowledge of Earth's impending 
  destruction, he is transported off the Earth seconds before it is exploded to make way
  for a new hyperspace motorway. And as if that's not enough, throw in being wanted by 
  the police, Earth II, an insane electronic encyclopedia, no tea whatsoever, a 
  chronically depressed robot and the search for the meaning of life, and you've got the 
  greatest adventure off Earth.
				   Bill Bailey 
				   Anna Chancellor
				   Warwick Davis
				[email protected]
                                   Enjoy The Movie!