Seinfeld S04E08 *XviD* - DVDRIP - River
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      °°±±±°°              ±±±° ޲ݱ±  RiVER PRESENTS...   °
     °°±±°°°                 ± ° ß ±
    °±° °°°                      °
   °±°±±°       Show Title: Seinfeld
  °°°±±°°           Series: 04
  °°°±±°°          Episode: 08
  °°°±±°°     Release Date: 09/05/05
   °°±±°°         Air Date: 1992
   °° ±°°°           Audio: mp3 vbr 128kb
   °° ±°°°           Video: 512x368 @ 23.976 fps
   °°  °±±±         Source: DVD
    °° °°±°°        Format: XviD
              °°°°°°                                      ± ±°± ±
              °°°°          °°  °°°  °°                 °°°±±±°°°° ±
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                   °°°°°°°°°°         °°°°±±± ±°±°°°°±±°°°
                        [ E P I S O D E ]
   The Cheever Letters
   Jerry and George begin to work on the pilot for the series they 
   pitched to NBC. Jerry says the wrong thing while "messing" around
   with one of Elaine's co-workers. George & Susan tell her father 
   about the cabin fire, he becomes distraught and letters saved from
   the fire soon explain why. Kramer goes to the Cuban Embassy in 
   search of cigars and makes a deal.   
                        [ N O T E S ]
                        [ U R L ]
                                                            ° ±°
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                           [unfo-maker 2.1] 
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