Seinfeld S04E23-E24 *XviD* - DVDRIP - River
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      °°±±±°°              ±±±° ޲ݱ±  RiVER PRESENTS...   °
     °°±±°°°                 ± ° ß ±
    °±° °°°                      °
   °±°±±°       Show Title: Seinfeld
  °°°±±°°           Series: 04
  °°°±±°°          Episode: 23 and 24
  °°°±±°°     Release Date: 10/05/05
   °°±±°°         Air Date: 1992
   °° ±°°°           Audio: mp3 vbr 128kb
   °° ±°°°           Video: 512x368 @ 23.976 fps
   °°  °±±±         Source: DVD
    °° °°±°°        Format: XviD
              °°°°°°                                      ± ±°± ±
              °°°°          °°  °°°  °°                 °°°±±±°°°° ±
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                   °°°°°°°°°°         °°°°±±± ±°±°°°°±±°°°
                        [ E P I S O D E S ]
   The Pilot(1)
   Jerry and George get the green light to produce Jerry, the pilot
   for the series based on their "nothing" lives. Russell Dalrimple,
   the president at NBC behind the pilot, is obsessed with Elaine. 
   George is obsessed with a white spot on his lip and a box of 
   raisins taken by actor playing Kramer. The real Kramer has an 
   internal plumbing problem and on his way to fix it, he gets 
   delayed and is caused to "miss his chance." Jerry has an 
   audition with the new "Elaine," a method actress interested 
   in being Elaine in every way. The real Elaine has a problem 
   with the coffee shop, they appear to be only hiring buxom 
   waitresses, so she tries to get hired and files a report. 
   The Pilot(2)
   Rehearsals for the pilot begin. Russell's obsession with Elaine 
   begins to affect his work. George asks TV Kramer about the raisins.
   The real Kramer might be forced to work on his plumbing problem by
   using the "dreaded apparatus." Elaine gets an investigation started
   on the owner of the diner. George gets the results of the biopsy of
   his white spot. At the taping of the pilot, Elaine sneaks in disguised 
   and "Crazy" Joe jumps out of the audience. Elaine finds Morty's wallet
   in Jerry's couch. Everyone from the past season comments on the pilot
   as it's broadcast, they all think it's great. When Russell disappears,
   the fate of the pilot is in the hands of the new president, a person 
   convinced that Jerry can't act.  
			[ N O T E S ]
                        [ U R L ]
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                           [unfo-maker 2.1]