The Pacifier *XviD* - TELECINE - MoF
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   \++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++The Pacifier+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/
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            Release Date: 15/05-05     IMDB.....: 4.9/10 (2,211 votes)
            Source......: TELECINE     Genre....: Comedy/Action       
            Format......: XviD         Audio....: VBR mp3         
            Size........: 50x15mb      Aspect...: Widescreen
            Cds.........: 1            Subs.....: None                               
     ÚÄij  .:[ Release Info ]:.                                       ³ÄÄ¿
      ³±³                                                              ³±³ 
     ³³±³    We`re proude to bring you another HIGH QUALITY Release!   ³±³³
     ³³±³                                                              ³±³³ 
     ³³±³ This is the REAL thingy, No SVCD Re-Encoding as INVFX spoils ³±³³ 
     ³³±³ the scene with.. This is an appeal to nukers, Sites having   ³±³³ 
     ³³±³ these lamers on there sites. We will Overrule any release    ³±³³ 
     ³³±³ they might re-encode from our partners at TUN. If we don`t   ³±³³ 
     ³³±³ take action, then we arent fare from watching the scene fall.³±³³ 
     ³³±³                                                              ³±³³ 
     ³³±³   INVFX you`re the worst piece of shit iv seen for awhile.   ³±³³ 
     ³³±³                                                              ³±³³ 
     ³³±³       Now enjoy this NONE SVCD Re-Encoded Release.           ³±³³ 
      ³±³                                                              ³±³            
     ÚÄij  .:[ Movie Info ]:.                                         ³ÄÄ¿
      ³±³ Disgraced Navy SEAL Shane Wolf (Diesel) is handed a new      ³±³
     ³³±³ assignment: Protect the five Plummer kids from enemies of    ³±³³
     ³³±³ their recently deceased father -- a government scientist     ³±³³
     ³³±³ whose top-secret experiment remains in the kids' house.(more)³±³³  
     ³³±³                                                              ³±³³ 
     ³³±³            You can read much more at IMDB:                   ³±³³
     ³³±³                                                              ³±³³ 
      ³±³                 ³±³
     ÕÍͳ  .:[ Group Info ]:.                                         ³Í͸
      ³±³                                                              ³±³
     ³³±³ Cheers..                                                     ³±³³
      ³±³                                                              ³±³            
     ÚÄij  .:[ Apply Info ]:.                                         ³ÄÄ¿
      ³±³ If you got one of following then you should contact us!      ³±³
     ³³±³ -Unreleased VHS/DVD Screeners.                               ³±³³
     ³³±³ -Unreleased RETAIL DVDs.                                     ³±³³
     ³³±³ -Unreleased Cams/Telesyncs/Telecines.                        ³±³³
     ³³±³ -Unreleased Workprints/Preveiw Copys.                        ³±³³ 
     ³³±³ -Unreleased Console, Games, Warez etc.                       ³±³³ 
     ³³±³ -DTS Theatre Discs or Direct Input Audio.                    ³±³³
      ³±³ -PAL DV Camara or a used Telecine Machine.                   ³±³ 
     ÚÄij  .:[ Contacts ]:.                                           ³ÄÄ¿
      ³±³  .:[ Webpage : ]:.                    ³±³ 
     ³³±³                                                              ³±³³
     ³³±³  .:[ IRC     : #No.Thanks ]:.                                ³±³³
     ³³±³                                                              ³±³³
      ³±³  .:[ E-mail  : [email protected] ]:.                            ³±³
     ÕÍͳ  .:[ Greets ]:.                                             ³Í͸
      ³±³   To everyone we know and to those that made this possible   ³±³
     ³³±³                                                              ³±³³ 
      ³±³     and any MOVIE releasing group out there that deservs.    ³±³