Lois And Clark The New Adventures Of Superman S01E11 *AC3* *XviD* - DVDRIP - MEDiEVAL
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   /--------------------| RELEASE INFORMATION  |-------------------\
   |                                                               |
   |   MEDiEVAL proudly presents:                                  |
   |                                                               |
   |   Lois.And.Clark.The.New.Adventures.Of.Superman.S01E11.AC3.DVDRip.XviD-MEDiEVAL |
   |                                                               |
   |   SOURCE     : DVD                                            |
   |   VIDEO      : XviD 512x384 @ 23.976fps                       |
   |   AUDIO      : AC3 2.0 192kbps                                |
   |   SIZE       : 25x15mb                                        |
   |   DVD date   : June 7 2005                                    |
   |   Rls date   : Sun Jun 05 2005                                |
   |                                                               |
   |--------------------| EP. INFO             |-------------------|
   |                                                               |
   |   Lois And Clark The New Adventures Of Superman               |
   |   #1.11: Pheromone, My Lovely                                 |
   |   Sun Nov 28 1993 (runtime: 60 min)                           |
   |                                                               |
   |   When Lex Luthor tells perfumist Miranda that he is pulling  |
   |   her funding, she decides to prove to him that her projecet  |
   |   really does work. She takes her perfume Revenge to the      |
   |   Daily Planet and begins spraying it on the unsuspeceting    |
   |   journalists. The results are unrestrained (and often        |
   |   unrequited) passion. While Jimmy chases a model and Perry   |
   |   decides he is in love with Rajelia, the cleaning lady, Lois |
   |   becomes enamored with a confused (and unaffected) Clark.    |
   |                                                               |
   |   Clark does come to the conclusion that it must have been    |
   |   the perfume that made everyone crazy. The second night,     |
   |   Clark finds a picture of Miranda in a magazine and realizes |
   |   that she was the one spraying the offending perfume. Before |
   |   he can investigate any further, Lois shows up at his        |
   |   apartment in a ridulous costume. The next morning when the  |
   |   perfume finally wears off, Lois is appropriately            |
   |   embarrassed, but agrees to help Clark investigate. The two  |
   |   meet Miranda and decide she was the one who made the Daily  |
   |   Planet staffers "Drunk on love."                            |
   |                                                               |
   |   Lois is skeptical when she and Clark learn that in order    |
   |   fall for someone under the influence of the perfume, you    |
   |   must already find that person attractive. Why did she fall  |
   |   for Clark? Why didn't Clark fall for Lois? When Luthor is   |
   |   sprayed with the intention of getting him to fall for       |
   |   Miranda, he instead falls for Lois and spends their date    |
   |   making very un-Luthor like comments. Miranda manages to get |
   |   Lois alone and ties her over a boiling vat. Superman,       |
   |   thanks in part to Lex Luthor, gets there just in time to    |
   |   rescue Lois and stop Miranda from spraying the 100%         |
   |   solution of Revenge all over Metropolis. After Superman     |
   |   stops Miranda, Lois comments that it is a good thing that   |
   |   perfume doesn't affect him, or does it? Superman grins and  |
   |   tells Lois that he loves her. The two kiss.                 |
   |                                                               |
   |   url: http://tvtome.com/LoisandClark/                        |
   |                                                               |
   |--------------------|       NOTES          |-------------------|
   |                                                               |
   |                                                               |
   |   We are just a bunch of die hard TV fans who rip some of     |
   |   our favorite shows when they come out on DVD in the XviD    |
   |   format to share with other TV fans.                         |
   |                                                               |
   |--------------------|       GREETS         |-------------------|
   |                                                               |
   |              we greet all groups that are fun!                |
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