Oz S05E04 *AC3* *XviD* - DVDRIP - MEDiEVAL
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   /--------------------| RELEASE INFORMATION  |-------------------\
   |                                                               |
   |   MEDiEVAL proudly presents:                                  |
   |                                                               |
   |   Oz.S05E04.AC3.DVDRip.XviD-MEDiEVAL                          |
   |                                                               |
   |   SOURCE     : DVD                                            |
   |   VIDEO      : XviD 576x432 @ 23.976fps                       |
   |   AUDIO      : AC3 5.1 448kbps                                |
   |   SIZE       : 50x15mb                                        |
   |   DVD date   : June 14 2005                                   |
   |   Rls date   : Wed Jun 08 2005                                |
   |                                                               |
   |--------------------| EP. INFO             |-------------------|
   |                                                               |
   |   Oz                                                          |
   |   #5.04: Next Stop: Valhalla                                  |
   |   Sun Jan 27 2002 (runtime: 60 min)                           |
   |                                                               |
   |   Miguel:                                                     |
   |                                                               |
   |   Per Miguel's orders, Velez tries to kill Guerra in the      |
   |   shower room. Guerra gains the upper hand and beats Velez's  |
   |   head against the shower wall repeatedly. When a             |
   |   guilt-ridden Miguel visits Mukada, a distracted Mukada      |
   |   suggests Miguel do a good deed in penance for his sins.     |
   |   When Miguel learns of the dog training program Alicia       |
   |   Hinden has pitched to Em City (approved after more sparring |
   |   between McManus and his ex-wife), he signs up and makes a   |
   |   great first impression on Alicia. Hill (hoping to get over  |
   |   his mother's death) and Penders also sign up. Miguel's dog  |
   |   defends herself ably when Guerra taunts her.                |
   |                                                               |
   |   Busmalis/Rebadow:                                           |
   |                                                               |
   |   Busmaslis's efforts to save Miss Sally's Schoolyard (he     |
   |   wrote 200 letters all in different names, but with the same |
   |   address) are for naught when he learns the show is being    |
   |   replaced by Sallycize, an exercise show. He ponders whether |
   |   Norma has a job on that show.                               |
   |                                                               |
   |   Rebadow asks Dave Brass to buy him a lottery ticket. Brass  |
   |   has his own problems as Martinez throws a blood and human   |
   |   waste cocktail in his face. When Gloria tells him he needs  |
   |   to tell his girlfriend that he could be HIV-positive from   |
   |   the exposure, he storms out.                                |
   |                                                               |
   |   Vern/Beecher/Keller:                                        |
   |                                                               |
   |   Before Schibetta's first session with Sister Pete, Vern     |
   |   reminds him not to tell her who raped him. In Vern's        |
   |   interaction session with Said and Beecher, he denies Said's |
   |   accusations of raping Beecher or Cyril. An enraged Beecher  |
   |   lunges at him and has to be pulled away.                    |
   |                                                               |
   |   Vern's theme of rape continues when Franklin Winthrop       |
   |   arrives in gen pop. After saving him from a large black     |
   |   inmate, Vern and Robson roll out the Pragmobile. Franklin's |
   |   friend, Adam Gueznel (who is Beecher's new podmate; Adam's  |
   |   father was Beecher's scoutmaster) is disgusted when he sees |
   |   him dolled up as a prag during lunch. Seeing Adam's         |
   |   repentance and knowing the Aryans will come after Adam      |
   |   soon, Beecher asks Said to protect Adam. Said refuses, so   |
   |   Beecher elicits a promise from an increasingly sick         |
   |   Pancamo. Moments before the Aryans attack Adam, new         |
   |   prisoner Urbano and the rest of the Sicilians step in. A    |
   |   brawl ensues. Adam is unharmed but pumped by the idea of    |
   |   fighting and violence. Beecher is concerned.                |
   |                                                               |
   |   Sister Pete unsuccessfully tries to give Keller a pep talk. |
   |   Keller spends the rest of his time flirting with his guard, |
   |   Claire. Meanwhile, Beecher freaks out when he discovers     |
   |   Keller's public defender is none other than Catherine. He   |
   |   asks her to get Keller another lawyer, but curiosity gets   |
   |   the better of Catherine. Beecher's two lovers share a tense |
   |   first meeting, but Keller swears he didn't kill anyone and  |
   |   she agrees to stay on his case.                             |
   |                                                               |
   |   Ryan:                                                       |
   |                                                               |
   |   Ryan, his mother and Cyril are more of a family than ever.  |
   |   After Gloria's prodding, Ryan confesses his past crimes to  |
   |   Suzanne, but not before inflicting a little white man       |
   |   breakdancing on her. The family harmony is broken when      |
   |   hippie inmate Shupe overhears Li Chen and Jia discussing    |
   |   their plans to murder Ryan. To get drugs, Shupe exaggerates |
   |   to Ryan that they plan to rape Suzanne. Ryan stabs Li in    |
   |   the side, and is hit in the face. Enraged, Cyril stabs Li   |
   |   in a more fatal area. McManus moves Cyril to solitary in    |
   |   preparation for the upcoming murder trial.                  |
   |                                                               |
   |   Omar/Said:                                                  |
   |                                                               |
   |   Suzanne's love of singing has infected Omar. Unfortunately, |
   |   his singing bugs all in Em City, podmate Said most of all.  |
   |   McManus gives Omar his own private storage room to sing in, |
   |   an hour every day. Omar's blue skies quickly turn grey when |
   |   Redding informs him that he has to run drugs through the    |
   |   room, "or else."                                            |
   |                                                               |
   |   Said's followers continue doubting his association with     |
   |   Omar, but Said puts them in their place. During a library   |
   |   altercation with the Aryans, upstart Muslim Lalar is        |
   |   fight-happy. Robson realizes the best way to get to Said is |
   |   through his youngest. Cornering the helpless youth in a     |
   |   storage room, Robson and another Aryan heartlessly slice    |
   |   and slash Lalar into an excruciating death.                 |
   |                                                               |
   |   Miscellaneous:                                              |
   |                                                               |
   |   Gloria treats Martinez's wounds (he was badly beaten after  |
   |   throwing the waste shake on Brass). When Martinez won't     |
   |   stop groping her, Gloria has flashbacks to her rape and     |
   |   goes mad-ass on him. Sister Pete tries to soothe Gloria's   |
   |   guilt over beating a helpless prisoner by telling her to    |
   |   work through her anger, work through why she wanted to      |
   |   return to a pit of violent men after being raped.           |
   |                                                               |
   |   Redding asks for and gets control of the kitchen.           |
   |                                                               |
   |   His mother's last moments in the bus won't leave Hill's     |
   |   head. Beecher tells him to think of her decomposing,        |
   |   rotting into nothing. Not surprisingly, this only           |
   |   devastates Hill further, and he goes back on drugs after 4  |
   |   years of sobriety.                                          |
   |                                                               |
   |   url: http://tvtome.com/Oz/                                  |
   |                                                               |
   |--------------------|       NOTES          |-------------------|
   |                                                               |
   |   your favorite watch-your-back-before-bending-over drama is  |
   |   back for another season                                     |
   |                                                               |
   |   We are just a bunch of die hard TV fans who rip some of     |
   |   our favorite shows when they come out on DVD in the XviD    |
   |   format to share with other TV fans.                         |
   |                                                               |
   |--------------------|       GREETS         |-------------------|
   |                                                               |
   |              we greet all groups that are fun!                |
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