Wedding Crashers *SVCD* - CAM - SiLVER
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   ~~~~=+=~==$,=,:O:,,+=I?:, . Wedding Crashers   ..DOI,?+,,,$77Z,Z:::?Z7$7~D,.  
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  John Beckwith and Jeremy Klein, a pair of committed womanizers who sneak into 
   weddings to take advantage of the romantic tinge in the air, find themselves 
      at odds with one another when John meets and falls for Claire Clearly.

                              7.6/10 (3,201 votes)
                     57 x 15mb     57 x 15mb     55 x 15mb
                              2305 AVG @ 4pass CCE                              
                                   224 @ 44
                                   113 MIN

 Looks  like prevail had  a similar source,  and what a  shame that they have not
  learned how  to encode properly yet. By converting the pal source to ntsc (no
   clue why anyone would want to do that), they ended  up with ghosting frames. 
     If  you guys need help let us know and we will  help you learn this art 
       of encoding. Moreover, they tried to pass it  as a TS when obviously 
             the audio is not direct (one can hear laughter at 43:15, 
                      44:00, 51:15, etc on CD1).

              Enough said, enjoy another beautiful SiLVerS release.

We arent a group, we arent a team, we are the $5 shiny discs ya buy on the corner now here
for you for free. Love us or hate us there is no way we care, we ar inanimate objects.

             You cant email or contact us, discs dont talk dumbass