Summer Breeze of Love *E.Subbed* - DVDRIP - ASXVCD
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                            *aSx/aCd*ßßßÜßßß             ßÛÛ
                                                aSxVCD     ßß
            . a S x .  a.S.i.a.N.S.o.u.N.D.e.X.P.R.e.S.S  . a S x .
    ________\\_____//                                     \\_____//________  
  __\                                                                     /__
  |                          Summer Breeze of Love                          |
  |                                    -                                    |
  |  Ripper................Team aSxVCD | Format....................Bin/Cue  |
  |  Date Ripped............08.26.2002 | Retail Date............08.23.2002  |
  |  Quality...................DVD Rip | Languages.....................CAN  |
  |_ Rating (x/10)...................7 | Subtitles.....................Yes _|
   | Release Size..............2 discs | Genre.....................Romance |
   |                                   '                                   |
 _\                                                                         /_
 |     +=----------------------=+                                            |
 :=---=|::     disc info      ::|:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::a:s:x:
 |__/_/                                                                      |
 :_//                                                                        |
 |     Disc 01: 41 x 20MB                                                    |
 |     Disc 02: 40 x 20MB                                                    |
 |_                                                                         _|
 ++                                                                         ++
 |     +=----------------------=+                                            |
 :=---=|::    release info    ::|:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::a:s:x:
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 :_//                                                                        |
 |     CAST:                                                                 |
 |     Charlene Choi, Gillian Chung (Twins), Dave Wang, Tsui Tin Yau         |
 |                                                                           |
 |     PLOT:                                                                 |
 |     With 2 months of summer vacation ahead of them, high school fresh     |
 |     graduates Kiki and Kammy swear to look for their first boyfriends     |
 |     and bring them to show their schoolmates at the high school           |
 |     reuinion.  First Kammy meets the 40 year-old Danny and falls head     |
 |     over heels, but Danny has not the courage to face the girl half       |
 |     his age.  Kiki falls in love at first sight with a handsome           |
 |     basketball player Fung, only to find out he is a true player..        |
 |_                                                                         _|
 ++                                                                         ++
 |     +=----------------------=+                                            |
 :=---=|::      comments      ::|:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::a:s:x:
 |__/_/                                                                      |
 :_//                                                                        |
 |§i     |
 |     on=videos&                                                            |
 |                                                                           |
 |     A nice cute love story featuring the hit sensation Twins as the 2     |
 |     lead actresses. Enjoy this great movie to finish off the summer       |
 |     from aSxVCD.                                                          |
 |_                                                                         _|
 ++                                                                         ++
 |     +=----------------------=+                                            |
 :=---=|::       greetz       ::|:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::a:s:x:
 |__/_/                                                                      |
 :_//                                                                        |
 |      TCF - VORTEX - RORiSO - xV - FE - TWCiSO                             |
 |_                                                                         _|
 ++                                                                         ++
 |     +=----------------------=+                                            |
 :=---=|::      synopsis      ::|:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::a:s:x:
 |__/_/                                                                      |
 :_//                                                                        |
 |     Established in January 1999, aSx consists of a group of dedicated     |
 |     Asian-entertainment enthusiasts who are deeply interested in          |
 |     sharing and discussing topics related to Asian music, movies,         |
 |     and/or other forms of entertainment. Rather than committing to a      |
 |     passive voice within the vast online community, aSx has chosen to     |
 |     actively spread Asian music and videos through various                |
 |     technological means. All types of Asian media are favored,            |
 |     including Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Vietnamese. It is our        |
 |     goal to spread the word about Asian entertainment; in order to do     |
 |     this we feel you must hear and see in order to understand.            |
 |     Therefore, we regularily offer new top quality releases in            |
 |     popular formats to suit the tastes of both the selective and the      |
 |     eclectic Asian-entertainment lover.                                   |
 |                                                                           |
 |     In addition to our existing music department, we now bring you        |
 |     aSxVCD to enhance our efforts in maximizing your Asian                |
 |     entertainment experience. Established in late year 2K through a       |
 |     merger with VCDHK, aSxVCD make a great extension to our solid         |
 |     family. Asian Sound Xpress - the Internet's flagship Asian media      |
 |     group.                                                                |
 |_                                                                         _|
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 :=---=|::    contact info    ::|:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::a:s:x:
 |__/_/                                                                      |
 :_//                                                                        |
 |     World Wide Web                                                        |
 |                                                                           |
 |                                   |
 |                                                |
 |                                                                           |
 |     Internet Relay Chat                                                   |
 |                                                                           |
 |        #aSx      on EFnet                                                 |
 |        #aSxfiles on EFnet                                                 |
 |                                                                           |
 |     aSx is always looking for new members that can help us by running     |
 |        a fast site, fserve, or can rip new unreleased asian stuff. To     |
 |        apply, email us @ '[email protected]'.                          |
 |_                                                                         _|
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  |                                                                         |
  |                       --made with aSx nfo-maker--                       |
  |                   Last Updated by Mukashi on 08.18.01                   |
  :\__               NFO Design : ACiDiX | feral | Mukashi               __/:
   :::\___  . a S x .  a.S.i.a.N.S.o.u.N.D.e.X.P.R.e.S.S  . a S x .  ___/:::