Crusader (2004) *STV* *XViD* - DVDRIP - SSB
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    |/                     S  h  i  n  y  B  o  y  s                      \|
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    |                       SSB proudly presents:                          |
    |\                         Crusader (2004)                            /|
    |/                    Directed by: Bryan Goeres                       \|
    /                                                                      \
   <|  Release Date.....: 06/08/05         Ripper.........: SSB            |>
    \  US Retail Date...: 23/09/05         Video Framerate: 25FPS          |
    |  Theatre Date.....: STV              Audio Codec....: MP3 VBR        |
    |  Runtime..........: 96 min.          Audio Bitrate..: 118 kb/s       |
    |  iMDB Rating......: awaiting 5v.     Language.......: EN             |
    |  Aspect Ratio.....: 1.818            Subtitles......: See notes      |
    |  Video Codec......: XviD             RARs...........: 50x15 MB       |
    |  Video Bitrate....: 896 Kibps        Size...........: 734,398,464B   |
    |  Resolution.......: 640x352                                          |
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    |   ::.About.::                                                        |
    |                                                                      |
    |    The World Of Mass Communication Is About To Become Unplugged      |
    |                                                                      |
    |      IMDB Link:                |
    |                                                                      |
    |   ::.CAST.::                                                         |
    |                                                                      |
    |      Andrew McCarthy ....  Hank Robinson                             |
    |      Michael York    ....  McGovern                                  |
    |      Bo Derek        ....  Markham                                   |
    |      Ana Alvarez     ....  Veronica                                  |
    |      Richard Tyson   ....  Brechner                                  |
    |                                                                      |
    |                                                                      |
    |   ::.Ripper notes.::                                                 |
    |      Michael York back in action, hehe. Enjoy :)                     |
    |                                                                      |
    |                                                                      |
    |   ::.Subtitles.::                                                    |
    |   [x] English       [x] Swedish      [x] Portugal      [x] Dutch     |
    |   [x] Danish        [x] Finnish      [x] Polish        [x] Italian   |
    |   [x] Romanian      [x] Bulgarian    [x] Czech         [x] Greek     |
    |   [x] Hindi         [x] Hungarian    [x] Croatic       [x] Turkish   |
    |   [x] Slovenia      [x] Arabic       [x] Icelandic     [x] Spanish   |
    |   [x] Norwegian     [x] French       [x] Hebrew        [x] Catalan   |
    |                                                                      |
    |                                                                      |
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    |                          <===  G R O U P   N E W S  /__///___///___   _//
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    |      We might be interested in:                                      |
    |       - 34mbit+ Affils                                               |
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    |       - Experienced DVD rippers                                      |
    |       - DVD suppliers                                                |
    |                                                                      |
    |                                Wanna touch us? [email protected] |
    |                                Or u know damn good how to contact us |
    |                                                                      |
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    |      You think you should be here? You may assume you are ;]         |
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                                           ascii: szwagier/thelo0p 2k+3   \|