Spongebob Squarepants S03E01a - TV - CLASSiC
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MMMMMMMM: XMMMMMM SMMMMMM ZS;;;@ 7 X MMMMMM MMMMMW MMMMMMM MMMMMM MMMMMMM XMMMMM 0MMMMM@ MMMMM 0MMMMMM SMMMMMM 2MMMMMM MMMMMM r S MMMMMM MMMMMi MMMMMMM MMMMMM MMMMMMM .MMMMM MMMMMW MMMMM MMMMM@ SMMMMMM :MMMMMM MMMMMM 7 r 8MMMMMM WMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMM; MMMMMMM MMMMMW WMMMMM. MMMMMB BMMMMMr XMMMMMM MMMMMM7 MMMMMa X 7, 0MMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMM 2MMMMMMMMMMMMMM 7MMMMMMMMMMM0 2MMMMMMMMMMM8 8MMMMMM i MMMMMMMMMMMX iX r7, iBMMMM@; ,X MaSXS88 i aMMMX ZSSS80 ; 7@MMMM0: 7X XWMMMM0: . 7WSXX2B 7X 7@MMMM0 i77 rrrri ,r;r;. ,7S7i :, .;XXr. :X2222S;. :;7r; ,;XSSX; r7r;; Sponge Bob Square Pants Episode Name: Welcome to Chumbucket Season: 03 Episode: 01a Air Date: 01/21/02 Release Date: 27/08/02 Source: DTV At closing time, Mr. Krabs leaves the Krusty Krab to play cards with Plankton at the Chum Bucket. SB wants to know why he'd play cards with his rival, and he says that he's the worst card player in Bikini Bottom. The next day, however, he comes back, and he lost! He didn't lose any money...HE LOST SPONGEBOB'S CONTRACT!! Now Spongebob works for Plankton at the Chum Bucket. Plankton gladly breaks them apart and takes him to the Chum Bucket. Plankton forces him to either work, or his brain will get replanted into his robot chef. The sign says kitchen, but SB's heart says jail. After witnessing SB and Mr. K's touching and yet disturbing music number, Plankton decides to get to Spongebob, he should show him compassion and understanding. He starts by giving SB a grill, then an exact replica, then everything else he could never get from Mr. Krabs (including motorized shoes!). SB gradually get's lazy, and isn't willing to make krabby patties for Plankton. Plankton moves into plan B, taking out SB's brain and putting it in the robot body. The robot, however, is just as lazy, and won't work. Mr. Krabs, only having Squidward to make patties, decides to close down the KK. Plankton runs over to him and begs for him to take SB back. Mr. Krabs gladly takes him back...for fifty bucks! He also gladly sends the little CHEATER back to the Chum Bucket. SB and his brain are glad to return, but...don't feel like working. I have no life, and people want these, so here they are. ;x I would like to give a big bear hug/fuck you to somebitch out there, you know who are you are baby! and I don't know where vcdq would be with out all your hard work and dedication to rooting out them evil do'ers. You can ban like no other baby! nfo header made by: liquidk