Over There S01E08 *WS* *DSR* *XviD* - TV - TCM
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 release date  : Thu Sep 15 2005
 video codec   : XviD    
 video res     : regular res
 audio codec   : VBR MP3 
 Over There
 #1.08: Situation Normal
 Wednesday September 14, 2005 (runtime: 60 mins)
 Category    : Drama, Action/Adventure                                      
 Guest Stars : David McDivitt, Cathryn de Prume, Ken Weiler, Jon Spinogatti,
 Guest Stars : Allie Raye, Drew Powell, Scott Klace, Patricia Bethune       
 The squad is assigned to protect workers installing a pipeline. Meanwhile, 
 Mrs. B is AWOL in Hollywood mixing with some questionable characters and Bo
 tries to run on his prosthetic leg.                                        
 series url : http://www.tv.com/show/16443/summary.html
 episode url: http://www.tv.com/episode/440368/summary.html
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