The Oil Factor Behind the War on Terror *LiMiTED* *FS* *XviD* - DVD SCR - TFF
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    Release.....: The.Oil.Factor.Behind.the.War.on.Terror.LiMiTED.FS.DVDSCR 23th of September 2005
    File.Size...: 1CD
    Format......: XVID
    Source......: DVDSCR
    IMDB.Score..: 8.5/10 (27 votes)
    Genre.......: Documentary 
    Plot........: According to O.E.C.D. data, the Middle-East holds 70% of 
                  the world's oil reserves while North America and Europe 
                  will run out of oil in 2010 at their current rate of 
                  production. Current technologies might provide alternatives 
                  to oil for energy but not to oil for plastics.