24 1x23 *WS* *SVCD* - DVDRIP - TheTube
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 ©Ù²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²þRelease Infoþ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²Ó·
©Ù²²                                                                      ²²Ó·
³²²                                                                        ²²º
³²                    Series: 24                                            ²º
³²                   Episode: 123 22.00 - 23.00                             ²º
³²                    Source: DVD                                           ²º
³²              Release Date: 29-08-2002                                    ²º
³²              Running Time: 00.40:54                                      ²º
³²              Video Format: PAL                                           ²º
³²               Video codec: 2410kbits VBR 4 passes                        ²º
³²                     Audio: 224kbits                                      ²º
³²                 File Type: SVCD                                          ²º
³²                      Size: 780 mb                                        ²º
³²                   Package: 54x15 MB Rars   nfo   sfv                     ²º
³²                   Burning: nero   80min                                  ²º
³²                                                                          ²º
³²                 Ripped by: Icen                                          ²º
³²                Encoded by: Icen                                          ²º
³²               Packaged by: Icen                                          ²º
³²                                                                          ²º
³²²                                                                        ²²º
À¿²²                                                                      ²²É¼
      Ð                                                                Ð      
 ©Ù²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²þRelease Commentsþ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²Ó·
©Ù²²                                                                      ²²Ó·
³²²                                                                        ²²º
³²  24  123     22.00 - 23.00                                               ²º
³²                                                                          ²º
³²  Jack arrives at Palmer's hotel with a phone on which Drazen will call   ²º
³²  and ask Palmer to unfreeze $200,000,000 of his assets. When Palmer tells²º
³²  Jack that Drazen knows its impossible, Jack grabs the phone and throwns ²º
³²  if off the balcony. It explodes seconds later. Realizing Drazen will    ²º
³²  never give up, Jack suggests having the television news report that     ²º
³²  Palmer died in the explosion, leaving Jack to offer himself up in       ²º
³²  exchange for Kim.                                                       ²º
³²                                                                          ²º
³²²                                                                        ²²º
À¿²²                                                                      ²²É¼
      Ð                                                                Ð      
 ©Ù²²²²²²²²²²²²þGreetzþ²²²²²²²²²²²²Ó·    ©Ù²²²²²²²²²²²²²þNewsþ²²²²²²²²²²²²²Ó·
©Ù²²                              ²²Ó·  ©Ù²²                              ²²Ó·
³²²                                ²²º  ³²²                                ²²º
³²     Greetz go out to all         ²º  ³²       We are looking for:        ²º
³²     those episode lovers in      ²º  ³²                                  ²º
³²     the world who make           ²º  ³²    10 Mbit or faster .eu sites   ²º
³²     The Tube such a great        ²º  ³²        for exclusive use.        ²º
³²     place to be.                 ²º  ³²                                  ²º
³²                                  ²º  ³²    10 Mbit or faster .eu sites   ²º
³²     Greetz also to:              ²º  ³²              affils              ²º
³²     WoW, StoneCutters, FoV,      ²º  ³²                                  ²º
³²     AMC, BamVCD and SD-6         ²º  ³²          Contact us at:          ²º
³²                                  ²º  ³²       [email protected]      ²º
³²                                  ²º  ³²                                  ²º
³²²                                ²²º  ³²²                                ²²º
À¿²²                              ²²É¼  À¿²²                              ²²É¼
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