Desperate Housewives S02E02 *HDTV* *XviD* - TV - TCM
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 release date  : Mon Oct 03 2005
 video codec   : XviD    
 video res     : regular res
 audio codec   : VBR MP3 
 Desperate Housewives
 #2.02: You Could Drive a Person Crazy
 Sunday October 02, 2005 (runtime: 60 mins)
 Category    : Drama, Comedy                                                
 Writers     : Chris Black, Alexandra Cunningham                            
 Director    : David Grossman                                               
 Guest Stars : Joely Fisher, Loren Lester, Pat Crawford Brown, Harry S.     
 Guest Stars : Murphy, Brian George, Alexandra Lydon, Lenora May, Daniel    
 Guest Stars : Roebuck, Terry Bozeman, Deb Hiett, Shirley Knight, Ridge     
 Guest Stars : Canipe                                                       
 Susan is surprised, and not pleasantly so, when she finds out who Edie's   
 new boyfriend is---her ex-husband Karl. Meanwhile Lynette goes back to     
 work, leaving Tom at home in charge of the house, which turns out to be a  
 better plan in theory. Lynette settles in at her job, and is being pitched 
 an ad campaign by two young writers. Bree's mother-in-law, Phyllis (guest  
 star Shirley Knight), continues to drive Bree crazy with her melodramatic  
 grieving, and Carlos makes an unusual request of Gabrielle. One of the     
 housewives is late with her newspaper payments, and gets in a fight with   
 the paperboy. The women become concerned for Bree when they think she's    
 suicidal as she keeps going to different therapists and trying to get as   
 many sleeping pills as possible to cope over Rex. Gabrielle brings cash to 
 a woman in a bad neighborhood, which she ultimately holds on to herself.   
 series url :
 episode url:
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