Bunty Aur Babli *WS* *Subbed* - DVDRIP - D3Si
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      RELEAsE DAtE...: 2005
      CiNEmA DAtE....: 2005
      SOURcE TYpE....: DVD
      MEDiA..........: SVCD
      GENre..........: Indian/Adventure
      CD SiZe........: CD1 /57  || CD2 /57  || CD3 /57
      RATiNG.........: 6.6/10
      iMDB URL.......: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0448206/
	Bunty and Babli are two avid dreamers. Two free souls born into 
	caged small town realities. They grow weary of being two specks 
	on the horizon. They desire the horizon itself.
	And so they pack their aspirations in worn out bags, whip a scarf 
	of confidence around their proud necks and set forth. On a journey 
	across the length and breadth of the country, spinning circles around 
	the people they meet.
	Born “Rakesh” in a lethargic, lead-eyed Fursatganj, he is a man of 
	schemes, ideas, invention and restlessness. His small Uttar Pradesh 
	town begins to feel a bit too small for his king size plans.
	He wants to be amongst the richest in the world. He wants to be in 
	jacuzzis. He wants to be in limousines. He wants to be a big blip on 
	the radar of history. He wants to be big black typo in newspaper 
	In short, he wants out of here.
	In a parallel universe, in another slump-backed, crinkle nosed small 
	town called Pankinagar, “Vimmi”, our heroine, faces the same dilemma. 
	Does she follow the course every other young marriageable girl does? Or 
	does she carve new fatelines on her soft as butter palms?
	In her mind (but in her mind alone!) she’s the foxiest thing to ever 
	have hit a ramp. She’s the hottie the world can just gape at but never 
	touch. She is Miss India. So she too decides to fly the coop.
	Somewhere along their individual journeys, Rakesh and Vimmi meet, 
	flogged by circumstance but unwilling to concede.
	In a moment of mistaken truth, “Bunty” and “Babli” are born. And the 
	world gets turned on its head!
	We follow the duo through caper after caper, in which they meet rajahs, 
	powerbrokers, shaadi bandwallahs, millionaires, investors, leaders, 
	ministers, banjaras, elephants, explorers, hoteliers, chai boys and 
	one very, very upset policeman!
	The world sits up and takes wide eyed notice of this pair. 

	Amitabh Bachchan 	....  DCP Dashrath Singh 
	Abhishek Bachchan 	....  Rakesh/Bunty 
	Rani Mukherjee 		....  Vimmi/Babli 
	Raj Babbar 		....  Rakesh's father 
	Tania Zaetta 		....  Kate 
	Aishwarya Rai 		....  Special Appearance (Song) 
	Prem Chopra 		....  Punjabi Truck Driver 
	Puneet Issar 		....  Vimmi's father 
	Kiran Juneja 		....  Vimmi's mother (as Kiran Juneja Sippy) 
	Pratima Kazmi 		....  Rakesh's mother 
	Kunal Kumar 		....  Newspaper Salesman 
	Rameshwari 		....  Rakesh's mother 
	Ranjeet 		....  Store owner 
	Rajesh Vivek 		....  Protestor 

                          Got anything to offer? Email us.
            We Are Looking For Dumps (10mbit+) for exclusive d3si use, 
	    affils, anyone who can provide pre-retail dvds, screeners.
             If you can help with any of the above drop us a mail.
                           [email protected]
   				      - aM - 
                            To All That Deserve It. :)
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