Down In The Delta (1998) *XViD* - DVDRIP - CcR
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                        ############                      GENERAL                       ###########
                        &&&                                  ##                                 &&&
                        &&& [Type]        XViD                ## [Audio]         128kb/s VBR    &&&
                        &&& [Source]      Retail DVD         ##  [Files]         50x15mb        &&&
                        &&& [Runtime]     112 min             ## [DVD Rls date]  July 20, 1999  &&&
                        &&&                                  ##                                 &&&
                        &&&                                [iMDB]                               &&&
                        &&&                                                                     &&&
                        &&&  [Link]                &&&
                        &&&  [Rating]               7.1/10 (461 votes)                          &&&
                        &&&                                                                     &&&
                        ############                       PLOT                         ###########
                        &&&    Rosa Lynn sends her druggie daughter Loretta and her             &&&
                        &&&    children Thomas and Tracy away from the big city to live         &&&  
                        &&&    with their uncle Earl in the ancestral home in rural             &&&
                        &&&    Mississippi. Earl puts Loretta to work in his restaurant,        &&& 
                        &&&    Just Chicken, while also telling them about the generations      &&&
                        &&&    of their family, the Sinclairs, dating back to their time        &&& 
                        &&&    in slavery before the the Civil War.                             &&&

                        ############             POSTED ON          16/10/2005           ##########
                        #################################             #############################
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                                                        ###   BY    ###
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                        ³                                [GREETZ]                                ³
                        ³    Our Greetins go out to :                                            ³
                        ³     vRs , LOCK , TMF , MoBsTeRs , DELIRIOUS , eXtaCY , HDZ             ³ 
                        ³                                                                        ³
                        ³                     And all others we forgot!                          ³ 
                        ³                                                                        ³
                        ³                                                                        ³              
                        ³                               [CONTACT]                                ³
                        ³                                                                        ³
                        ³   If you feel like you can provide us with anything dont hesitate to   ³                 			
                        ³               contact us at : [email protected]                      ³	
                        ³                                                                        ³
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