Stuart Little 2 *READ NFO* - TELECINE - VideoCD
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³                                                                            ³
³                       ¯ VideoCD Proudly Presents ®                         ³
³                                                                            ³
³                 STUART LITTLE 2 TC (C) 2002 SONY PICTURES                  ³
³                                                                            ³
³     Release Date   : 29, AUG 2002                                          ³
³     Format         : NTSC VideoCD 352x240 Whitebook I                      ³
³     Source         : TeleCine Screener                                     ³
³     Archives       : 1 CD (50 x 15mb)                                      ³
³     URL            :                      ³
³     IMDB Rating    : 5.9/10 (486 votes)                                    ³
³     Certification  : USA:PG                                                ³
³                                                                            ³
³     Stuart and Snowbell set off across town to save a friend. Yes,         ³
³     my friends, Stuart is back and as good as he was the first time.       ³
³     Your kids will love this and you might even enjoy it yourself,         ³
³     it's a fun little time.                                                ³
³                                                                            ³
³     Cast:                                                                  ³
³                                                                            ³
³     Michael J. Fox..................... Stuart Little                      ³
³     Geena Davis........................ Mrs. Little                        ³
³     Johnathan Lipnicki................. George Little                      ³
³     Hugh Laurie........................ Mr. Little                         ³
³     Nathan Lane........................ Snowbell                           ³
³                                                                            ³
³ ³ ÚÄ´ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³   ³ ÄÄ´ ³ ³ ³ ÄÄ´ ³²±°°°°Ý²Þ°°° °° °               ³
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³ ÀÂÄÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÁÄÙ   ÀÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÁÄÄÁÄÄÁÄÄÄÙ ³                                ³
³                                                                            ³
³ Well alot of you may be wondering about our choice of labelling on this    ³
³ particular title. We have spent countless hours debating and researching   ³
³ the particulars of the VCD scene and it's inner workings. After much       ³
³ discussion, we have decided to label these as Telecine's, which they are.  ³
³ Yet, they are pre-retail TC screeners, and for the unitiated. ALL screeners³
³ are TC's. They just go through a mastering process to remove watermarks    ³
³ and make any touchups they need to. This is the reason for the property    ³
³ of and the counter on these TC. They are screeners, but at the same time,  ³
³ they are technically a Telecine. To the people who shouted about XXX not   ³
³ being a screener, it was of this same line, and so as not to confuse the   ³
³ uneducated of a few other groups around here, we have decided to go with   ³
³ TC or TC Screener from now on. Enjoy the first truly good quality release  ³
³ of this fine film for kids and adults.                                     ³
³                                                                            ³
³ If you live in .my, .sg or .hk, have access to pressed silvers, or if you  ³
³ have access to workprints, screeners or retail DVDs, get in touch! We will ³
³ make it worth your while.                                                  ³
³                                                                            ³
³ We are not accepting sites or couriers.                                    ³
³                                                                            ³
³ ³ ÚÄ´ ³ ³   ³ ÀÄ´ ³ ³ ÚÄ´ ÀÄ¿ ³±°°°°°°°ÝþÞ°°°°°Û°°°° °°° °                 ³
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³  ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ                                            ³
³                                                                            ³
³  IRC  : No.                                                                ³
³  WWW  : No.                                                                ³
³  Mail : [email protected]                                                    ³
³                                                                            ³