The West Wing S07E07 *HDTV* *XviD* - TV - TCM
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 release date  : Mon Nov 07 2005
 video codec   : XviD    
 video res     : regular res
 audio codec   : VBR MP3 
 The West Wing
 #7.07: The Debate (West Coast)
 Sunday November 06, 2005 (runtime: 60 mins)
 Category    : Drama                                                        
 Writers     : Lawrence O'Donnell Jr.                                       
 Director    : Alex Graves                                                  
 Guest Stars : Forrest Sawyer                                               
 A "live" debate episode! This episode will feature a live debate between   
 Santos and Vinick. Two versions will air. One for the East Coast of the    
 U.S. and one for the West Coast of the U.S. Because of this there will be  
 two episode guides but both will carry the same production number and the  
 same episode numbers. When contributing please make sure you have to right 
 episode guide. If you'd like to elaborate on the summary or recap just add 
 a .5 at the end of the episode numbers on the submission form. Example: 7.5
 or 139.5                                                                   
 series url :
 episode url:
 We are looking for the following:
  - UK PDTV cappers
  - US/Canada HDTV/PDTV cappers
  - Non-HD US cappers (i.e. DSR for cable shows etc)
 You must have fast upload and at least one reasonably fast PC. No experience
 is needed.
 We do not respond with technical questions about our releases or tell you 
 where to get them. 
 Email: [email protected]