Rome S01E11 *HDTV* *XviD* - TV - TCM
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 release date  : Mon Nov 14 2005
 video codec   : XviD    
 video res     : regular res
 audio codec   : VBR MP3 
 #1.11: Triumph      
 Sunday November 06, 2005 (runtime: 60 mins)
 Category    : Drama, Action/Adventure                                      
 Writers     : Adrian Hodges                                                
 Director    : Alan Taylor                                                  
 Guest Stars : Anna Fausta Primiano, Ian McNeice, Hugh Sachs, David Quinzi, 
 Guest Stars : Marco Pollack, Guy Henry, Abhin Galeya, Peter-Hugo Daly,     
 Guest Stars : Dominic Coleman, Giovanni Calcagno, John Boswell, Lydia      
 Guest Stars : Biondi                                                       
 Unanimously proclaimed Dictator by the Senate, Caesar pronounces the war   
 over, and prepares for five days of feasting and games honoring his        
 "triumph." No longer an enlisted soldier, Pullo eyes a pastoral future with
 Eirene; Vorenus runs for municipal magistrate, with Posca's help; Octavian 
 retrieves Octavia from her self-imposed exile; and Servilia invites a      
 revenge-minded Quintus Pompey into her home, to Brutus' dismay.            
 series url :
 episode url:
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