Everything Put Together *XViD* - DVDRIP - FiNaLe
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                 Proudly Presents...   Þ²  Û Ü Ü ßÜ  Û²ß
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       °ÛÜÜ ÜÜÛÛÛßß ßÛÛ²°   Everything Put   °²ÛÛß ßßÛÛÛÜÜ ÜÜÛ°
         ßÛÛÛßß   ßÜÛÛÛß      Together        ßÛÛÛÜß   ßßÛÛÛß
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         ÞÛÝ               [ Release info ]        ÜÛÛÜ   ÞÛÝ
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          ÞÛ   Ripper......: Jack The Ripper        ÞÝ    ÛÝ
           Û   Supplier:...: Whats In It For You?    Ü    Û
           Û   Genre.......: Drama                        Û
           Û   DivX Release date......: Sept. 4th 2002    Û
           Û   DivX Pre Time..........: 4:45 CET          Û
           Û   DVD Release date.......: April 4th 2002    Û
           Û   US Theater Release date: January 1st 2000  Û
           Û                                              Û
           Û   Framerate/ Aspect Ratio: 23.976fps/1.85:1  Û
           Û   Resolution.............: 576x304           Û
           Û   Movie runtime/ Length..: 87minutes         Û
           Û   RAR's..................: 37x20mb           Û
           Û   Video Bitrates.........: 950kbit           Û
           Û   Audio Bitrates.........: 130kbit MP3 VBR   Û
           Û   Ripping Method.........: XViD              Û
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       þ       °ßÛÛÛÛÛß       Movie info       ßÛÛÛÛÛß°       þ
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                 Users Rating: [þþþþþþúúúú][7.1/10] 48 votes
              An idyllic suburban life has never been portrayed
         to more queasy effect than in Marc Forster's Everything Put
         Together. Angie (Radha Mitchell, High Art) seems to have
         it all--a loving husband, a close circle of friends,
         a baby on the way. But when her newborn dies of SIDS,
         the isolated grief that quickly intervenes presents an
         alarming portrait of modern-day tribal outcasting as
         the American dream gets turned inside-out to reveal a cruel
         undertow. Treated as though she might taint their own
         families with bad luck, Angie's girlfriends abandon Angie
         to her grief and increasingly unstable behavior. Forster
         (Monster's Ball) shuttles artfully between the intimate
         handheld camera commotion of communal activities--neighborly
         barbecues, shopping excursions, rap sessions among friends--
         and the motionless scenes of Angie's unhinged state when
         alone, to create an atmosphere of suburban suffocation matched
         only by Todd Haynes's Safe. Everything Put Together was shot
         entirely on digital video, and its innovative direction and
         excellent cast subvert the familiarity of the home video to
         chilling effect. 

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                Radha Mitchell   ......   as Radha Mitchell
                Megan Mullally   ......   as Barbie
                  Justin Louis   ......   as Russ
         Catherine Lloyd Burns   ......   as Judith
                     Alan Ruck   ......   as Kessel

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                Ascii made by Wishmaster^Beyond-Visio