Ideal S02E00 Xmas Special *WS* *PDTV* *XviD* - TV - GOTHiC
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      Rls date:  12/27/2005
      Air date:  12/27/2005
      Category:  SITCOM
      Codec:  XviD 
      Size:   233mb
      Res:    640x352
      Audio:  VBR MP3 128
      Length: ~30mins
      Sitcom about a small-time dope dealer. While Moz tries to enjoy a 
      seasonal spliff his pregnant girlfriend snogs a woman in the bathroom, 
      dead Craig's twin brother sucks a hitman's nipple, and Moz's mam makes 
      a surprise entrance with a karaoke machine. And there's an emotional 
      queen's speech, as freshly-dumped Brian pours his heart, and more, 
      out all over Moz's shoulder.
      Starring: Johnny Vegas, Nicola Reynolds, Ben Crompton, Sinead Matthews, 
      Ryan Pope, Graham Duff
      NOTES: We're labeling this S02 E00 because it's a teaser of sorts for
      season 2, which starts in a few days. 
      European PDTV cappers with fast (min. 90k upload) and access to
      UK DIGITAL TV FEEDS (satellite or terrestrial etc) wanted.
      [email protected]