Munich (2005) *SVCD* - DVD SCR - Saga
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   SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS                          GGGGGGGGGGGG
 SS:::::::::::::::S                      GGG::::::::::::G                  
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            S:::::Sa::::a    a:::::a G:::::G       G::::Ga::::a    a:::::a 
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 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS     aaaaaaaaaa  aaaa       GGGGGG   GGGG  aaaaaaaaaa  aaaa
           .....................   PRESENTS    ....................
              TiTLE.........:Munich (2005)
              GENRE.........:Drama, Thriller and Sports
              RELEASE DATE..:December 23rd, 2005 (limited) 
              Imdb Rating...:7.9/10 
              RARS..........:CD1 57 CD2 57 CD3 57
           .....................  PLOT  ...........................
             Set in the aftermath of the massacre of 11 Israeli athletes
             at the 1972 Munich Olympics, story follows a secret Israeli 
             squad assigned to track down and kill the 11 Palestinians 
             suspected to have planned the Munich attack--and the personal 
             toll this mission of revenge takes on the team and the man who
             led it.  
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           ....................GROUP NOTES....................
                     HELLO TO ALL, U KNOW WHO U ARE :) 
           10/100Mbit sites  .us/ .eu  only for affil, GRP Usage
           CAMS, DTS Audio, Telecines, Telesyncs, VCD Silver, DvdScr, 
           Retail Dvd               
                      Contact..: [email protected]   
      .............................THANX 2.............................
               We Want to give a SHout OUt to our fellow grps:    
    ........................The SaGa Continues.........................