North Country *NTSC* - DVDRIP - MiND
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                           ..::( Proudly Present )::..
                ..::[ North.Country.2005.NTSC.DVDR-MiND  ]::..
                  ---- ---------------------+ ------------
          REL. DATE: Feb. 5, 2006       RETAiL DATE: Feb. 21, 2006
          SCREEN FORMAT: WS             DVD EXTRAS: Yes 
          MENU: Yes                     DOWNSAMPLED: Yes
          PLAYTiME: 126 min             BiTRATES: 3800 kbps
          iMAGE TYPE: IMG               Passes: 6 
          FiLES: 95 x 50 MB             AUDiO: ENGLiSH DD5.1 [x]
          SOURCE: R1 Retail                    ENGLiSH DD2.0 [x]
          SUBTiTLES: ENGLiSH [x]               FReNCH  DD5.1 [ ]
                     FReNCH  [x]               FReNCH  DD2.0 [ ]
                     SPANiSH [x]               SPANiSH DD2.0 [ ]
                     OTHERS  [ ]               OTHERS        [ ]
          GENRE      : Drama
          iMDB Link  :
          iMDB RATiNG: 7.2/10 (1,958 votes)
                              ..::[ Extras ]::..
   - Stories from the North Country                [KEPT]
   - Additional Scenes                             [KEPT]
   - Theatrical Trailer                            [KEPT]

                              ..::[ NOTES ]::..
           All she wanted was to make a living. Instead she made
           In the wake of a failed marriage, Josey Aimes
           (Charlize Theron) returns to her hometown in Northern
           Minnesota hoping to build a better life for herself
           and her two children. Encouraged by her friend Glory
           (Frances McDormand), one of the few female miners in
           town, Josey takes a job at the mine.
           She's prepared for the back-breaking and often
           dangerous work, but coping with the harassment she and 
           the other female miners encounter from their `male
           coworkers proves far more challenging.
           Josey's attempts to carve out a better future for her
           family put her at odds with her children, her
           disapproving parents (Sissy Spacek and Richard
           Jenkins), and her community. Through this struggle she 
           finds the courage to stand up for what she believes in 
           – even if that means standing alone. Ultimately, her
           journey takes her farther than she could have ever
           imagined and inspires countless others to follow.
           Based on a true story.
                           ..::[ GROUP NOTES ]::..
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