Vanilla Sky *Real* - TELESYNC - LEGiON-VCD
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                         ___        ___                           ___
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       |  :|      |.  |=|_.' | : |`._|=. |  :| |  :|=| : | |  .| |  .|
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                         `.|=|.'     `.|=|_.' |___|=|.'
                   w i t h i n  t h e  b l a s t  r a d i u s
			p r o u d l y   p r e s e n t s
  ³                 Vanilla.Sky.Real.TS.LEGiON-VCD        	    	  ³
  ³  SUPPLiER....: LEGiON-VCD        ³ RELEASE.DATE...: 12/19/01          ³
  ³  Encoder.....: LEGiON-VCD        ³ RELEASE.TYPE...: xxxxxxxx          ³
  ³  TESTER......: LEGiON-VCD        ³ RELEASE.SiZE...: xxxxxxMB          ³
  ³  PACKAGER....: LEGiON-VCD        ³ RELEASE.SiZE...: xxxxxxMB          ³
  ³  				     ³ 				          ³
  ³  IMDB Link...:			  ³
     IMDB RATING.:7.3/10  

  ³                            RELEASE NOTES                              ³
   .::General Info::This Release was reencoded by our encoders and was leaked during 	
      Screening of the sample. We apologize for this small delay and plan to make up 	
      for it on our next release in the next few days we are sure you will be happy 	
      with both of the releases this one and our next one. and we are developing a       new capping method and need software please help us make the scene better.
      we listed the software we need to do further research below. 
   An American adaptation of the 1997 spanish thriller "Abre los Ojos." 
			Tom Cruise ....  David Aames  
			Penélope Cruz ....  Sofia Serrano  
			Cameron Diaz ....  Julie Gianni  
			Kurt Russell ....  Dr. Curtis McCabe  
			Jason Lee (I) ....  Brian Shelby  
			Noah Taylor ....  Edmund Ventura  
			Timothy Spall ....  Thomas Tipp  
			Tilda Swinton ....  Rebecca Dearborn  
			Michael Shannon (V) ....  Aaron  
			Delaina Mitchell ....  David's Assistant  
			Shalom Harlow ....  Colleen  
			Oona Hart ....  Lynette  
			Ivana Milicevic ....  Emma  
			Johnny Galecki ....  Peter Brown  
			Jean Carol (I) ....  Woman in New York  


  ³                              GROUP NEWS                               ³
    Has changed its ways our legions of suppliers and cappers
    We have decided to release to the world the best quality that they
    Can Handle take a look and take the time to understand our new view
    Let us know what you think of our new releases coming out.
    We believe you will be singing legion to all your russian friends 
    Especially your friends with nuclear weapons.
	like legions of roman soldiers  
	from the quality of swords 
	to the sound of armies marching 
  	taking no prisoners  
	giving the world its joy!

  ³                 Smuggle Arms and Pledge Allegiance ?                  ³

      Smuggle Arms and Pledge Allegiance ? No Problem!
      Generally we are looking for :
       Suppliers, who supply unreleased VCD and SVCD Screeners or 	Telecines
       Suppliers, who get access to unrelased DVD's
       Shell-Suppliers (legal shells only)
       Affils in EU or ASIA
       Lose your job as commander of a secret nuclear weapons silo with 	the 		breakup of the USSR?  Legion has a place for you!!
       If you're in russia and have access to arms or nuclear warfare, 			contact us
      LEGiON-VCD is NOT looking for couriers
                           Get in contact with us!
		     Let us know your in the Blast Radius
  ³                               GREETS                                  ³
               FLT , BPM , WHOA, iKON , LOGiQUE, VcdQuality, VcdNews
	We would like to show our condolences  to all those captured and 			taken prisoner by the FEDS we will up hold your legacy and help 
	improve the scene as whole. Thanks to those before us that made 
	the stepping stones that we now walk on and for their dedication
	and hard work to the NON-PROFIT scene. Legion has taken your 
	example and will try our personal and 200% in following your work 
	and dedication. And Again thank you for everything 
				-Dedicated to Those Prisoners of war. 
  ³                               CONTACT                                 ³
                             web.:: n/a
			     irc.:: n/a
                             email.:: n/a

    ³ Ascii by Souldjah of BEYOND-ViSiON  -  Last updated on xx/xx/2001 ³