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\\\\\\\\|/////\ \\\\\\\\\|//////\ \\\\\\\\I////////\ \\\\\\\I//////////\ \IIIIII\I\//////////\ /****/*\////////////\ /****/***\////////////\ /****/*****|////////////| J$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$******\////////////| J$$***************$$$$$***|/////////// $$**********************$$L. \\\\\\\\\/ .$***************************$$L .J$$$$$$$$$************************$L .J$$*********$$$$$$$$$$$***************$$ J$$$***********************$$$$$$$$*********$ $$**********************************$$$$$$$***$ $*****************************************$$$$$ $********$$$$$$*************************$***$$ $******$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$************$*****$$ $**$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$****$******$ ~~ $$$ %%$$$$$$$%% $$$$$$$$$$$$$$****$ $$$ %% $$$ %% $$$$$$$$$$$$$$*#$$*$ $$$ $$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$*#****$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$*#*****$ $&&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%**##*****$ $&&&&&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%**#******$ $&&&&&&&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#########$ $&&&&&&&&&&% ~T$$$$$$$$$$$$$$T~********$ $&&&&&&&&T' OOOOOOOOOOOO********$ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ---< Where's the KA-BOOM! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO There was suppose to OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO be an earth-shattering OOOOO/OOOOOOOOOOOOOO\OOOOO KA-BOOM!!! BOOMB/OMBOOMBOOMBOOMBO\MBOOM #------------------------------------------------------# + ReLeAsE InFO + #------------------------------------------------------# # # BRelease.....: Hostel B 17th of March 2006 # OFile.Size...: 1DVDR O #Source......: DVDSCR [PAL] # OAudio.......: English 5.1 O #Video.......: 5-Pass CCE # MSubtitles...: NONE M #IMDB.Score..: 6.0/10 ((7,652 votes) # BIMDB.Url....: B #Genre.......: Horror (more) # OPlot........: Three backpackers head to a Slovakian O # city that promises to meet their # O hedonistic expectations, with no idea O # of the hell that awaits them. (more) # MNotes.......: HYdRO release had been captured from M # analog source. We included several # B screenshots from their release and B # ours (check Proof dir). # O O # # O O # \|/ # M @ @ M #--------------------- oO-(_)-Oo ----------------------# #| Suppliers with: |# B| |B #| UnReLeASED DvDsCReeNERs VhSSCReeNErS DVDRETAILS |# O| |O #| TeLeciNe CaM TeLeSynC |# O| |O #| DiReCt-AuDio |# M| |M #| Contact.....: [email protected] |# #------------------------------------------------------#