The Playmakers S01E02 *XviD* - DVDRIP - vRs
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                    The Playmakers Season 1 Episode 2(2003)   
                              General Information
Type.................: Tv-Series
More Info............: 
Part Size............: 14.3 MB
Number of Parts......: 24
Compression Format...: RAR
File Validation......: SFV
Image Format.........: XVID
Video Format.........: AVI
Resolution...........: 640x480
Color................: 16 bit
FPS..................: 24
Source...............: DVD
Original Format......: NTSC
Genre................: Crime / Drama / Sport  
IMDb Rating..........: 4.8/10 (3,224 votes)
                               Post Information
Posted by............: vRs
Posted on............: 04/19/2006
                                 Plot Outline
The series is a gritty ensemble drama about the off-field lives of a group of players on a pro football team and how they deal with the pressure of being on the professional level. 
that makes the scene what it is!