Thir13en Ghosts - DVDRIP - DNA
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       ~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~           ~!!!!!!!~     ~!!!!!!!~        ~!!!!!!!!~
      ~!M$$$$$$$$$$$MM!!~       !M$$$$$$$M!    !M$$$$$M!~      ~!M$$$$$$$M~
      !$M!!!!!!!!!!M$$$M!!     ~M$!!!!!!!$!~  ~M$!!!!!MM~      !$$!!!!!!!$!
     ~M$~             !$$M!~   !$M       $M!  !$!     $M~     !M$!       $M~
     ~M$                !$M!   !$!       !$!~~!$!    ~$!~    ~!$!        $M~
     !$!                 ~$M! ~M$         $M!!M$     !$!    ~!$M         M$!
    ~!$!     $$$$M!       !$!~!MM         !$M!$M     MM!    !M$          !$!
    ~M$      $$MM$$$~      $M!!$!          $$M$!     $M~   !M$!          !$!
    !$M     !$!!~!!$$      MM!M$~    ~     !$$$     !$!   ~!$!     !!    ~$!~
    !$!     M$!   ~M$~     M$!M$     !!     $$$     M$!   !$$     ~$!     $M~
   ~M$~     $M~   ~!$~     M$M$!     $$     !$!     $M~  !M$~     $$M     MM!
   !MM     !$!~   ~M$~     $$$$!    ~$$!    ~$~    ~$!~ ~M$!     M$$$     M$!
   !$!     !$!    !$$     ~$$$$~    !$$M     !     !$! ~!$M     !$$$$     !$!
  ~M$!~~~~~$M~   ~M$!~~~~~!$$$M~~~~~$$$$!~~~~~~~~~~$M!~!$$~~~~~~$$$$$~~~~~!$!
  ~M$~~~~~!$M~ ~!M$$~~~~~!$$$$!~~~~!$MM$M~~~~~~~~~!$M~!M$!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!$M~
 ~M$!!!!!!MMMMM!!!!!!!!M$M!!$M!!!!!$M~ ~M$!!!!!!!!$$M$$!!!!!!M$$$$$$$M!!!!!M$!
 !$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$$M!~!$!!!!!M$!~  !$M!!!!!!M$$$$M!!!!!M$$$$$$$$$!!!!!M$!
 !$M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$$$!! !M$!!!!!M$!   !M$!!!!!!$$$$M!!!!!M$M!!!!!!$$!!!!!M$!~
~!$M!!!!!!!!!!MMM$$$$M!~  !$$!!!!!$M!    !$$!!!!!$$$$M!!!!M$$!~    ~M$M!!!!M$M~
 !$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$MM!!    ~M$$$$$$$!~    ~M$$$$$$$MM$$$$$$$$!~      !$$$$$$$$!
 ~!MMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!~       !!MMMMM!~      !!MMMMM!!!!MMMMMM!~       ~!MMMMMM!~
   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~             ~~~~~          ~~~~~    ~~~~~~           ~~~~~~ 
      P R O U D L Y    P R E S E N T S    A N O T H E R    D V D - R I P        
               -->    Thir13en.Ghosts.2001.PAL.DVDR-DNA    <--
    Ý                                                                    Ý                                                    
    Ý  Release Date : 09/14/2002                                         Ý
    Ý  Playtime     : 01:27:02                                           Ý
    Ý  Genre        : Horror / Thriller                                  Ý
    Ý  User Rating  : 5.2/10 (3179 votes)                                Ý
    Ý  IMDB-Link    :                   Ý
    Ý  RAR-Count    : 83 x 50 MB                                         Ý
    Ý  DVD-Source   : Retail DVD, Region 2                               Ý
    Ý                                                                    Ý
    Ý------------------------ -------------------------------------------Ý
    Ý  ASPECT & STANDARD     |   AUDIO                                   Ý
    Ý                        |                                           Ý 
    Ý  [X] Widescreen        |   [X] English    [X] Dolby Digital 5.1    Ý 
    Ý  [ ] Anamorphic        |   [ ] Danish     [ ] DTS 6.1              Ý 
    Ý  [ ] Letterbox         |   [ ] Norwegian  [ ] Dolby Sorround 2.0   Ý 
    Ý  [ ] Fullscreen        |   [ ] Swedish    [X] Directory Commentary Ý
    Ý  [X] PAL   [ ] NTSC    |   [ ] Finnish                             Ý
    Ý  [X] Region Free       |   [X] Other                               Ý
    Ý                        |                                           Ý
    Ý------------------------ -------------------------------------------Ý 
    Ý  SUBTITLES                                                         Ý
    Ý                                                                    Ý
    Ý  [X] English       [X] Swedish      [ ] Spanish       [ ] Dutch    Ý
    Ý  [X] Danish        [ ] German       [X] Polish        [ ] Italian  Ý
    Ý  [X] Norwegian     [ ] French       [X] Hebrew        [x] Other    Ý
    Ý                                                                    Ý
    Ý---------------------- --------------------- -----------------------Ý
    Ý  VIDEO               |  MENU               |  DVD-EXTRAS           Ý
    Ý                      |                     |                       Ý
    Ý  [X] Untouched       |  [X] Untouched      |  [ ] Untouched        Ý
    Ý  [ ] Re-Encoded      |  [ ] Stripped       |  [X] Stripped         Ý 
    Ý  [ ] Passes          |                     |  [ ] Re-Encoded       Ý
    Ý                      |                     |  [ ] Passes           Ý
    Ý                      |                     |                       Ý
                                PLOT OUTLINE:
When Cyrus Kriticos, a very rich collector of unique things dies, he 
leaves it all to his nephew and his family. All including his house, 
his fortune, and his malicious collection of ghosts! 
  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
Tony Shalhoub ....           Arthur Kriticos  
Matthew Lillard ....         Dennis Rafkin  
Shannon Elizabeth ....       Kathy Kriticos  
Rah Digga ....               Maggie Bess  
Embeth Davidtz ....          Kalina Oretzia  
F. Murray Abraham ....       Cyrus Kriticos  
Alec Roberts ....            Robert 'Bobby' Kriticos  
JR Bourne ....               Benjamin Moss  
Matthew Harrison (III) ....  Damon  
Jacob Rupp ....              Cyrus' Assistant  
Mike Crestejo ....           Team Member  
Aubrey Culp ....             Team Member  
Charles Andre (II) ....      Team Member  
Mikhael Speidel ....         Billy Michaels, The First Born Son  
Daniel Wesley ....           Jimmy 'The Gambler' Gambino, The Torso