Just Visiting *Complete* - DVDRIP - DNA
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       ~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~           ~!!!!!!!~     ~!!!!!!!~        ~!!!!!!!!~
      ~!M$$$$$$$$$$$MM!!~       !M$$$$$$$M!    !M$$$$$M!~      ~!M$$$$$$$M~
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 ~!MMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!~       !!MMMMM!~      !!MMMMM!!!!MMMMMM!~       ~!MMMMMM!~
   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~             ~~~~~          ~~~~~    ~~~~~~           ~~~~~~ 
      P R O U D L Y    P R E S E N T S    A N O T H E R    D V D - R I P        
            -->    Just.Visiting.2001.COMPLETE.PAL.DVDR-DNA    <--
    Ý                                                                    Ý                                                    
    Ý  Release Date : 09/15/2002                                         Ý
    Ý  Playtime     : 01:24:26                                           Ý
    Ý  Genre        : Comedy / Fantasy                                   Ý
    Ý  User Rating  : 5.6/10 (911 votes)                                 Ý
    Ý  IMDB-Link    : http://us.imdb.com/Title?0189192                   Ý
    Ý  RAR-Count    : 85 x 50 MB                                         Ý
    Ý  DVD-Source   : Retail DVD, Region 2                               Ý
    Ý                                                                    Ý
    Ý------------------------ -------------------------------------------Ý
    Ý  ASPECT & STANDARD     |   AUDIO                                   Ý
    Ý                        |                                           Ý 
    Ý  [X] Widescreen        |   [X] English    [X] Dolby Digital 5.1    Ý 
    Ý  [ ] Anamorphic        |   [ ] Danish     [ ] DTS 6.1              Ý 
    Ý  [ ] Letterbox         |   [ ] Norwegian  [ ] Dolby Sorround 2.0   Ý 
    Ý  [ ] Fullscreen        |   [ ] Swedish    [ ] Directory Commentary Ý
    Ý  [X] PAL   [ ] NTSC    |   [ ] Finnish                             Ý
    Ý  [X] Region Free       |   [ ] Other                               Ý
    Ý                        |                                           Ý
    Ý------------------------ -------------------------------------------Ý 
    Ý  SUBTITLES                                                         Ý
    Ý                                                                    Ý
    Ý  [X] English       [X] Swedish      [ ] Spanish       [ ] Dutch    Ý
    Ý  [X] Danish        [ ] German       [ ] Polish        [ ] Italian  Ý
    Ý  [X] Norwegian     [ ] French       [X] Hebrew        [x] Other    Ý
    Ý                                                                    Ý
    Ý---------------------- --------------------- -----------------------Ý
    Ý  VIDEO               |  MENU               |  DVD-EXTRAS           Ý
    Ý                      |                     |                       Ý
    Ý  [X] Untouched       |  [X] Untouched      |  [X] Untouched        Ý
    Ý  [ ] Re-Encoded      |  [ ] Stripped       |  [ ] Stripped         Ý 
    Ý  [ ] Passes          |                     |  [ ] Re-Encoded       Ý
    Ý                      |                     |  [ ] Passes           Ý
    Ý                      |                     |                       Ý
                                PLOT OUTLINE:
A knight and his jester are plagued by a witch, and to repair the damage 
they make use of the services of a wizard. However, something goes wrong 
and they are transported from the 13th century to the year 2000. There 
the knight meets some of his family and slowly learns what this new century 
is like. However, he still needs to get back to the 13th century to deal 
with the witch, so he starts looking for a wizard. 
  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
Directed by:
Jean-Marie Poiré   (as Jean-Marie Gaubert)  
Writing credits: 
Jean-Marie Poiré   (1993 screenplay Les Visiteurs) and 
Christian Clavier   (1993 screenplay Les Visiteurs) 
Christian Clavier   (screenplay) & 
Jean-Marie Poiré   (screenplay) & 
John Hughes   (screenplay) 
Jean Reno ....            Count Thibault  
Christian Clavier ....    André le Pate  
Christina Applegate ....  Julia Malfete/Princess Rosalind  
Matt Ross (I) ....        Hunter  
Tara Reid ....            Angelique  
Bridgette Wilson ....     Amber  
John Aylward ....         Byron  
George Plimpton ....      Dr. Brady  
Malcolm McDowell ....     Wizard  
Sarah Badel ....          Queen  
Bill Bailey (II) ....     Thibault's Father  
Clare Welch ....          Thibault's Mother  
Kendra Torgan ....        Thibault's Sister  
Lucy Blair ....           Thibault's Sister #2  
Richard Bremmer ....      King Henry