Over The Hedge *READ NFO* *XViD* - TELESYNC - maVen
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  А     пВВп мАА ппАА   п м пВВпп плпппппппплп м А    пп м пп   АА   ппппп   А
             лВВл  ВВлл мллллллллм ммлл  ллмм лллВлллллм лллл  лВВл zLoRfik
             лВВлмоллллмлллБА ллллмллло  ллллБВллБА ллллмлллл  лВВл
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        -------------------- maVen proudly presents -------------------
                       Over The Hedge  (2006)  -  Dreamworks
          DATE ......:     **-**-2006        AUDiO .....:     128kbps
          FORMAT ....:           XViD        GENRE .....:   Animation
          QUALiTY ...:       TELESYNC        ARCHiVES ..:       XX*15
          LANGUAGE ..:        ENGLiSH        RATiNG ....:      8.1/10
        ----------------------------- PLOT ----------------------------
        ----------------------------- NOTES ---------------------------
         How could we miss a Dreamworks Animation movie ...
         As information only ...
         I am really sad to say, as remote work process of this movie,
         a leak of the raw source encoded as MPEG1 has been made.
         This happen, no need to give example of what happened ...
         This said, HafVCD released a SVCD made from a RAW image
         encoded to VCD.
         -- 720 x 576 -> 352 x 288 -> 480 x 576 --
         For those who don't understand, it is not good ... :P
         So there it is, real true nice encoded made directly from
         the DV tape.
         Our copy of it is not only about resolution but also about
         profesional editing of it.
         But we are sure you will clearly see the diference.
         We hope you enjoy it.
                                                   [email protected]
           With this type of Telesync, why would we need Telecine ?
                       .:: The Finest Quality Telesyncs ::.
        ------------------------------ EOF ----------------------------