Superman Returns (2006) *SVCD* - CAM - XanaX
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         Take a pill to numb the don't have to take the blame
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                 /___/\  \ (____  / |___|  / (____  / /___/\  \
                       \_/      \/       \/       \/        \_/
                               is proud to present
                        _                       _        __
               _ __ ___| | ___  __ _ ___  ___  (_)_ __  / _| ___
       /------| '__/ _ \ |/ _ \/ _` / __|/ _ \-| | '_ \| |_-/ _ \-------\
       |      | | |  __/ |  __/ (_| \__ \  __/ | | | | |  _| (_) |      |
       |   Release name: Superman Returns                              |
       |   Release type: CAM SVCD                                      |
       |   Relase  CDS : 3                                             |
       |                                                               |
       |   iMDB genre  : Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Sci-Fi         |
       |   iMDB runtime: 154 mins                                      |
       |   iMDB rating : 7.7/10 (12,126 votes)                         |
       |   iMDB link   :          |
       |                                                               |
       |   Theatre date: 21/06/2006                                    |
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       /---------| | '_ ` _ \-/ _` | '_ \--| '_ \| |/ _ \| __|---------\
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       \---------|_|_|-|_|-|_|\__,_|_.__/--| .__/|_|\___/-\__|---------/
       |   After the battle with General Zod and his gang of           |
       |   Kryptonian super-villains, Superman (Brandan Routh)         |
       |   mysteriously disappears for six years. After searching      |
       |   for more possible survivors from Krypton and finding none,  |
       |   Superman returns to Metropolis to re-assume the identity    |
       |   of Clark Kent. Once he returns, he discovers that Lois Lane |
       |   (Kate Bosworth) is in a relationship and also has a son.    |
       |   Superman also discovers that Metropolis has learned to live |
       |   without him, causing him to lose his motivation to fight    |
       |   and protect. To make matters worse, Superman's old nemesis  |
       |   Lex Luthor (Kevin Spacey) has devised a plan to defeat the  |
       |   Man of Steel, for good. Superman must put his troubles      |
       |   behind him in order to protect his lost love, and the city  |
       |   who lost faith in him.                                      |
                    _                                   _
           _ __ ___| | ___  __ _ ___  ___   _ __   ___ | |_ ___  ___
       /--| '__/ _ \ |/ _ \/ _` / __|/ _ \-| '_ \-/ _ \| __/ _ \/ __|--\
       |  | | |  __/ |  __/ (_| \__ \  __/ | | | | (_) | ||  __/\__ \  |
       |   Home made SVCD CAM.  We had to crop this to hell, and the   |
       |   AR has gone a little off.  However, we still feel this to   |
       |   be the best quality out so far, so hence the release.       |
       |                                                               |
       |   Watch it, nuke it, ignore it.  You decide!                  |
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       /----/ _` | '__/ _ \| |-| | '_ \--| '_ \-/ _ \| __/ _ \/ __|----\
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       \----\__, |_|--\___/-\__,_| .__/--|_|-|_|\___/-\__\___||___/----/
            |___/                |_|
       |   XanaX are currently looking for:                           |
       |                                                              |
       |   * Eu affiliate sites (100mbit+)                            |
       |   * Direct audio suppliers                                   |
       |   * Cammers                                                  |
       |   * Suppliers of Silvers / Pre Retail DVD / Screeners        |
       |   * 10mbit+ dumps for private group usage                    |
       |   * Private shells for group usage                           |
       |                                                              |
       |   Think you can help?  Contact us on [email protected].     |
       |                                                              |
       `------------------------------------------- ascii by sp^ff ---'