ATL (2006) *PROPER* *READ NFO* *NTSC* - DVDRIP - CuriousJotos
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      ÜÛÛ²°                                                          °²ÛÛÜ
    ÜÛÛ²°   ATL.2006.PROPER.READ.NFO.NTSC.DVDR-CuriousJotos           °²ÛÛ
   °Û²²°                                                               °²²Û°
 °Û²²°²                                                                  ²²²²²
 ÛÛ²°Û²     Rls Date : 08/13/2006                                         ²°²²Û°
Û²²°²Û²     Source   : R1 DVD9                                            ²Û°²Û°
 ²°ÛÛ²°     Video    : CCE 9 Passes@4734Kbps                               °°²²Û
 °Û²°²      Audio    : English 5.1 - Spanish 5.1                            °²²Û°
 °²°ÛÛ²     Subtitles: Eng - Spa - Fr                                       ²ÛÛÛ°
  °Û°Û²°    Menu     : Untouched                                           ÛÛß²Û°
   ß°²°°    Extras   : All Stripped                                       Ûß²²Ûß
    ßÛÛ²°                                                                 °²ÛÛß
     ßÛÛ²°                                                              °²ÛÛß
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      ÜÛÛ²°                                                           °²ÛÛÜ
    ÜÛÛ²°   iMDB Link:             °²ÛÛ
   °Û²²°    Genre    : Comedy / Drama                                   °²²Û°
  ÜÛÛ²°     Rating   : 3.5/10 (1,747 votes)                               °²²Û
 °Û²²°²     Runtime  : 105 mins                                           ²²²²²
 ÛÛ²°Û²                                                                    ²°²²Û°
Û²²°²Û²     PROPER NOTES:                                                   ²Û°²Û°
Û²²°²Û²                                                                      ²Û°²Û°
Û²²°²Û²     -FCR released this like 2 months ago. Their copy didnt include     Û°²Û°
 ²Û°²Û°     chapter 22 and it had looping problems. -iND released a patch     ²Û°²Û°
 ²Û°²Û°     but it didnt fix it at all, chapters 19 and 20 were the same,     ²Û°²Û°
 ²Û°²Û°     and of course chapter 22 didnt play because it was not included   ²Û°²Û°
 ²Û°²Û°     in the original release. It was really hard to decide how to tag  ²Û°²Û°
 ²Û°²Û°     this one because FCR pred it a long time ago, at first we did tag ²Û°²Û°
 ²Û°²Û°     it as iNTERNAL but after a really long talk with some friends, we ²Û°²Û°
   ßÛÛ²°    decided to go for a PROPER because our release is the first that °²ÛÛß
   ßÛÛ²°    includes the whole movie and doesnt have playback issues.        °²ÛÛß
   ßÛÛ²°    So here it is! Enjoy!                                            °²ÛÛß
   ßÛÛ²°                                                                     °²ÛÛß
   ßÛÛ²°    RIP NOTES:                                                       °²ÛÛß
   ßÛÛ²°                                                                     °²ÛÛß
   ßÛÛ²°    It was not possible to keep video untouched this time. Average   °²ÛÛß
   ßÛÛ²°    bitrate was really good so we included a spanish audio track     °²ÛÛß
   ßÛÛ²°    for all the jotos out there.                                     °²ÛÛß
   ßÛÛ²°                                                                     °²ÛÛß
   ßÛÛ²°            If u got something to offer, mail us at:                °²ÛÛß
     ßÛÛ²°°                   [email protected]                          °°²ÛÛß
       Û²°Û²°                                                          °²ß°²²