Bloody Mary (2006) *STV* *NTSC* - DVDRIP - DVDHQ
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           °°±±² °  °²  °² °Û²              .PRESENTS.
         °  °°        ²²ÛÛÛ²
           °     ± ²²Û°Û±          ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿
             ± ²±²±±°   °  ° °°±±²ÛþMOVIE.INFOþÛ²±±°° °  °   °
 ³     ° °± °                                                                 ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³     TITLE...........: Bloody Mary                                          ³
 ³     YEAR............: 2006                                                 ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³     RIP.DATE........: 02/12/2007                                           ³
 ³     DVD.DATE........: 02/06/2007                                           ³
 ³     THEATER.DATE....: STV                                                  ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³     IMDB.LINK.......:                  ³
 ³     IMDB.RATING.....: 2.7/10 (53 votes)                                    ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿                               ³
 ³                  °   °  ° °°±±²Ûþ RIP.INFO þÛ²±±°° °  °   °                ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³     VIDEO.TYPE......: NTSC           þ      AUDIO.TYPE.....: [ ] DD 5.1    ³
 ³                                      þ         [X] DD 2.0    [ ] DTS 6.1   ³
 ³     ASPECT.RATIO....: [ ] 2.35:1     þ                                     ³
 ³                       [X] 1.85:1     þ      LANGUAGE(S)....: [X] English   ³
 ³                       [ ] 1.33:1     þ         [ ] Spanish   [ ] French    ³
 ³                                      þ                                     ³
 ³     VIDEO.INFO......: [ ] Untouched  þ      SUBTITLES......: [ ] English   ³
 ³       [X] Encoded --> [9] Passes     þ         [ ] Spanish   [ ] French    ³
 ³           [3203] Bitrate             þ         [ ] Chinese   [ ] German    ³
 ³                                      þ                                     ³
 ³     EXTRAS..........: [ ] Untouched  þ      RUNTIME........: 93 min        ³
 ³       [ ] Partially Ripped           þ                                     ³
 ³       [ ] Ripped Completely          þ      IMAGE.TYPE.....: .ISO          ³
 ³       [X] Encoded --> [9] Passes     þ                                     ³
 ³           [3168] Bitrate             þ      RAR.COUNT......: 94x50mb       ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--¿                              ³
 ³                 °   °  ° °°±±²Ûþ PLOT..CAST þÛ²±±°° °  °   °               ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³     When a group of psychiatric hospital nurses invoke the spirit of       ³
 ³     Bloody Mary-a supposed urban myth-the slaughter begins...              ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³     Jaason Simmons                ...  Dr. Daniels                         ³
 ³     Kim Tyler                     ...  Natalie                             ³
 ³     Matt Borlenghi                ...  Bobby                               ³
 ³     Danni Hamilton                ...  Jenna                               ³
 ³     Amber Borycki                 ...  Tabitha                             ³
 ³     Eero Johnson                  ...  Railroad                            ³
 ³     Jessica Lous                  ...  Nicole                              ³
 ³     Christian Schrapff            ...  Scooter                             ³
 ³     Troy Turi                     ...  Johnny                              ³
 ³     Anna Pippus                   ...  Hilary                              ³
 ³     Lindsay Marett                ...  April                               ³
 ³     Brianne Wigeland              ...  Shelby                              ³
 ³     Jason Benson                  ...  Geoff                               ³
 ³     Dex Manley                    ...  Luther                              ³
 ³     Richard Carmen                ...  Dr. McCarty                         ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                 ÚÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿                               ³
 ³                  °   °  ° °°±±²Ûþ  NOTES   þÛ²±±°° °  °   °                ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³     Enjoy this fine release.                                               ³
 ³     Currently Looking for 100mbit+ EU Affils                               ³
 ³     Think You've got what we need? Email us [email protected]                 ³
 ³     We don't fill missing rars so don't ask.                               ³
 ³     Shouts * Pr0nStarS * OMiCRON * VCDVaULT * XXXHQ * Everyone             ³
 ³     else keeping the scene alive *                                         ³
 ³                                                                            ³