Slam From the Streets: New York City - 25 Best Playground Dunks - DVDRIP - BBV
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                                                  on EFnet

                             proudly presents
        Title: Slam From the Streets: New York City - 25 Best 
               Playground Dunks
        Ripper: Team BBV
        Released: 09/28/02
        Size: 755mb
        Length: 45 mins 
        Quality: DVDRiP
        Release Notes: 
        Michael Jordan, eat your heart out! The newest title in 
        the "Slam from the Street" series focuses on high-flyin' 
        basketball slam dunkmeisters. Shot at courts all over 
        New York City, the 25 Best Playground Dunks feature 
        "Cellphone Dunks," "Half-Man/Half Amazing" jams and the 
        ever-popular "Half-Midget" slam. These playground 
        hoopster artistes have definitely got game! 

        Rippers/Xdcc Bots/Fserves Are Wanted 
        Contact: #BBall-Vidz on efnet
        Greets to: #MusicHQ